Dynamic recrystallization of Mg and Mg–Y alloysCrystallographic textuDynamic recrystallization of Mg and Mg–Y alloysCrystallographic textu.pdf

Dynamic recrystallization of Mg and Mg–Y alloysCrystallographic textuDynamic recrystallization of Mg and Mg–Y alloysCrystallographic textu.pdf

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Dynamic recrystallization of Mg and Mg–Y alloysCrystallographic textuDynamic recrystallization of Mg and Mg–Y alloysCrystallographic textu

Materials Science and Engineering A 485 (2008) 375–382 Dynamic recrystallization of Mg and Mg–Y alloys: Crystallographic texture development R. Cottam a,∗, J. Robson a , G. Lorimer a , B. Davisb a School of Materials, Materials Science Centre, The University of Manchester, Grosvenor Street, Manchester M1 7HS, United Kingdom b Magnesium Elektron Ltd., PO Box 23, Rake Lane, Swinton, Manchester M27 0D, United Kingdom Received 21 June 2007; received in revised form 30 July 2007; accepted 11 August 2007 Abstract Pure magnesium and three binary Mg–Y alloys (0.23, 0.84 and 2.71 wt%Y) have been deformed in plane strain compression under conditions where dynamic recrystallization (DRX) is observed. The development of crystallographic texture during deformation has been determined for both the parent and DRX grains. In all but the highest Y alloy, the texture of the DRX grains was found to follow that of the parent grains closely in all alloys, implying that the DRX texture is dominated by the deformation conditions, rather than preferred nucleation or growth. In the highest Y alloy, the DRX texture is randomized, which also suggests that preferred nucleation or growth is not responsible for texture formation in this alloy. A transition in macrotexture development was observed in going from pure Mg deformed at 250 ◦C, to Mg–2.71 wt%Y deformed at 450 ◦C. This can be attributed to activation of additional slip modes, and a concomitant decrease in the contribution of twinning to deformation. © 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. Keywords: Dynamic recrystallization; Magnesium; Texture; EBSD 1. Introduction process that is commonly observed during elevated tempera



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