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智课网GRE 备考资料 GRE 官方写作题库Argument 4 “Of the two leading real estate firms in our town—Adams Realty and Fitch Realty—Adams is clearly superior. Adams has 40 real estate agents. In contrast, Fitch has 25, many of whom work only part-time. Moreover, Adams’ revenue last year was twice as high as that of Fitch, and included home sales that averaged $168,000, compared to Fitch’s $144,000. Homes listed with Adams sell faster as well: ten years ago, I listed my home with Fitch and it took more than four months to sell; last year, when I sold another home, I listed it with Adams, and it took only one month. Thus, if you want to sell your home quickly and at a good price, you should use Adams.” 【满分范文赏析】 The author argues that Adams Realty is superior to Fitch Realty. To support this claim the author cites statistics about the number and working hours of agents, and the number and sales prices of homes sold by the two farms. Further, the author cites anecdotal evidence involving personal experience with Fitch and Adams. A careful analysis reveals that this evidence lends little credib le support for the argument. 【本段结构】 本段采用了标准的Argument开头段结构,即C—E—F的开头结构。段落首先概括原文的 Conclusion ,接下来概括原文为支持其结论所引用的一系列Evidence ,最后给出开头段到正文 段的过渡句,指出原文的Flaw ,即其Evidence不能为其结论提供可靠的支持。 【本段功能】 本段作为Argument开头段,具体功能就在于发起攻击并概括原文的结论,即Adams不动产 公司要优于Fitch不动产公司。本段接下来分布列举了原文为支持其结论所引用的证据——这 两家公司所拥有经纪人的数目和工作时间、二者所售出的住宅的数量和价格、以及与两家公 司接触的个人经历等等。这些信息的归纳为正文段中即将进行的具体攻击作出铺垫。 The claim is partially based on the fact that Adams has more agents than Fitch and that many of Fitch’s agents work only part-time. There is no correlation between the number of employees, their working hours, and the quality of their work. Without such a link, we could consider the possibility that a smaller firm could be more effective than a larger one and, likewise, that a part- time agent



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