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智 课 网 G M A T 备 考 资 料 like在GMAT语法中的使用心得(三) 想要提升GMAT语法成绩,就需要熟练掌握一些GMAT语法考试中 常用词汇的使用技巧。下面就来对like这个高频词在GMAT语法中的使 用方法进行归纳和总结。 6. Like many self-taught artists, Perle Hessing did not begin to paint until she was well into middle age. (A) Like (B) As have (C) Just as with (D) Just like(A) (E) As did 7. Like other educators who prefer to substitute anthologies of short stories or collections of popular essays to dull “basal readers,” Ms. Burton emphasizes how important it is to enjoy good literature. (A) to dull “basal readers,” Ms. Burton emphasizes how important it is to enjoy (B) for dull “basal readers,” Ms. Burton emphasizes the importance of enjoying (C) to dull “basal readers,” Ms. Burton emphasizes that it is important to enjoy (D) for dull “basal readers,” Ms. Burton’s emphasis is that it is important to enjoy(B) (E) to dull “basal readers,” Ms. Burton’s emphasis is on the importance of enjoying 8. Like Rousseau, Tolstoi rebelled against the unnatural complexity of human relations in modern society. (A) Like Rousseau, Tolstoi rebelled (B) Like Rousseau, Tolstoi’s rebellion was (C) As Rousseau, Tolstoi rebelled (D) As did Rousseau, Tolstoi’s rebellion was(A) (E) Tolstoi’s rebellion, as Rousseau’s, was 9. Like the 1890s Populists who exalted the rural myth, so urban leaders of the 1990s are trying to glorify the urban myth. (A) Like the 1890s Populists who exalted the rural myth, (B) Just as the Populists of the 1890s exalted the rural myth, (C) The Populists of the 1890s having exalted the rural myth, (D) Just like the rural myth was exalted by the Populists of the 1890s(B) (E) Populists of the 1890s were exalting the rural myth, and 10. Like the color-discriminating apparatus of the human eye, insects’ eyes depend on recording and comparing li


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