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圆明园坐落在北京西郊,是清代著名的皇家园林之一,圆明园始建于1709年,,历时150年陆续建成。清王朝倾全国物力财力,集国内外名胜40景,建成大型建筑物145处,内藏难以数计的艺术珍品和文物。 令我们痛心的是,1860年,英法联军入侵北京。到处烧杀抢掠、焚毁了举世闻名的圆明园,园内寺庙建筑也大多被毁于火。使一代明园化为废墟。 现在,圆明园已辟为遗址公园(relic park),并正对遗址进行维修和保护,已成为人们游览之地…… * * The great wall Egyptian pyramid Stonehenge in England 英国史前巨石阵 Triumphal arch 法国凯旋门 The White Horse Temple the first Buddhist temple in China 中国第一古刹 Scanning Scan the passage and find the answers to the Knowledge questions(细节复述型问题) 1. Why did the emperor instruct a group of officials to go to India? Because he had a dream and wanted to find more information about Buddha. 2. What did the officials do when they met two Indian monks? They invited the monks to come to China and give lectures on Buddhism. 3.Why was the Honglu Temple renamed the White Horse Temple? In order to remind people of the white horse that the Buddhist readings and images had traveled on. 4.What will happen if you stand about 20 metres away from the Qiyun Pagoda and clap your hands? You will hear the sounds repeated and multiplied from the roofs just like frogs croaking. 5.Is there any significance of the newly-built Indian-style pagoda west of the White Horse Temple? Why? Yes. Because it represents the friendship between China and India and reminds people that it was from India that Buddhism came to China 2,000 years ago. It is a holy Buddhist site today and one of the most famous tourist (7)______. It is also one of the first(8)______buildings that the government listed to receive special (9)________. Part4 paras____-_____ The __10___ of the White Horse Temple It is very interesting and varied in its architecture. It is made up of a (6)________, different halls and bedrooms for the monks. There is also a 13-storey pagoda, which is called the Qiyun Pagoda. Part3 para_____ The (5)__________of the White Horse Temple The emperor had a dream of Buddha, then (4)______ a group of officials to go to India. The officials met two Indian monks and then brought them back. Late


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