Philips仓储岗位职责Job description (WH)Philips仓储岗位职责Job description (WH).doc

Philips仓储岗位职责Job description (WH)Philips仓储岗位职责Job description (WH).doc

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Philips仓储岗位职责Job description (WH)Philips仓储岗位职责Job description (WH)

Warehouse Workshop Job description 仓库车间工作职责及任职要求 1. Purpose 目的 To define the job responsibility and job requirement in PCLN 定义工作职责和任职要求. 2. Scope 范围 This organization and description will be applied to warehouse department of Philips Consumer lighting (Ningbo) company. 该程序仅适用于PHILIPS家居灯饰(宁波)有限公司仓库. 3. Reference 参考资料 Nil 无 4. Definition 定义 Nil 无 5. Organization Chart 组织架构图 6. JOB DESCRIPTION 职责及任职要求 Job title岗位:Foreman 仓库主管 Function agency 代理岗位:Group Leader 组长 Department 部门:Warehouse 仓库 Responsibilities 岗位职责 Arrange the warehouse daily work and control the process to assure the production going well. 仓库整体日常工作安排和进度控制,确保生产有序进行。 Audit and revise the work procedure and management system and keep improving. 审订和修改仓库的作业流程和管理制度,并持续改进。 Hold business training and assessment for members to improve the workers’ quality and efficiency. 对下属员工进行业务技能培训和考核,不断提高员工素质和工作效率。 In charge of warehouse HR plan and management and distribute reasonable HR. 负责仓库人事规划和管理工作,合理调配人力资源。 In charge of all the equipments maintenance. 负责仓库所有设备设施的维护保养工作。 Supervise and check warehouse 6S. 仓库6S的监督检查。 Assure the warehouse target consistent with company development strategy. 确保仓库的工作目标同公司的发展战略一致。 Be responsible for warehouse safety production and fire protection. 负责仓库安全生产和消防工作。 Requirements 任职要求: More than 4-year experience in the warehouse of large enterprise, more than 2-year warehouse foreman experience. 4年以上大型工业企业仓库工作经验,2年以上仓库主管工作经验。 Graduated from high school or above 高中以上学历。 Familiar with Microsoft office 熟练使用Office办公软件。 Familiar with internal delivery procedure 熟悉企业内部物流程序。 Strong communication ability and have spirit as team 有较强的沟通协调能力,具备团队合作精神。 Open-minded, creative 视野开阔,有创新思维。 Careful and active to the work and strong sense of safety production. 工作态度认真、勤恳、严谨、快速,有强烈的安全生产意识。 Job title岗位:Group Leader收料、发料、半成品、备料、退料组长 Function agency 代理岗位:Foreman 仓库主管 Department 部门:Warehouse 仓库 Responsibilities 岗位职责 Guide, arrange and adjust warehouse keepers and statisticians’ daily work. 指导和安排本组仓管员、统计员的日


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