UNIT6 EXERCISE 大学英语第三册UNIT6 EXERCISE 大学英语第三册.ppt

UNIT6 EXERCISE 大学英语第三册UNIT6 EXERCISE 大学英语第三册.ppt

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2) He weighed the relevant/relative advantages of buying a house and of renting an apartment. Part Two: In-Class Reading Post-Reading Vocabulary 1. Directions: Work in pairs to decide which of the italicized words fits the sentence best. Use your dictionary if necessary. 1) She listens to you, and I wish you’d give her sensible/ sensitive advice. _______ ______ sensible: having or showing good sense; reasonable sensitive: easily hurt, upset or offended by things that people say relevant: directly connected with the subject or problem being discussed or considered sensitive: considered in relation or proportion to somebody/ something else; comparatively 3) Roy took the back off his clock in order to see the machine/ mechanism that worked the alarm. 4) The toy requires/requests quite a bit of skill to operate it. _________ ______ machine: 机器 mechanism: a structure or working parts functioning together to produce an effect require: need something request: ask for something politely or formally Part Two: In-Class Reading Post-Reading 5) She went through the tapescript carefully, to reduce/ eliminate all the errors. 6) It was reported that 41 people were killed in a plane crash/collision. _______ ____ reduce: make something smaller in size, number, degree, price, etc. eliminate: completely get rid of something that is unnecessary or unwanted crash: a breaking to pieces especially by or as if by collision collision: an accident in which two or more people or vehicles hit each other while moving in different directions Part Two: In-Class Reading Post-Reading We often discover that the true __________ of many risks is quite different from what we might have imagined. Too often, we _____________ preparing ourselves for the impossible risk while failing to take precautions against more likely ones. The media, in particular, have a habit of selecting two or three risks every season to publicize while playing down others. Newspapers often scream about a cancer risk asso


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