【精选】26.《Do you like pears》课堂实录及反思——马雪燕.doc

【精选】26.《Do you like pears》课堂实录及反思——马雪燕.doc

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【精选】26.《Do you like pears》课堂实录及反思——马雪燕

小学英语阅读教学案例 ————《》课堂实录及反思设计者:设计者教学:年级课名称:《》学科:/show/1/42/51785dab5f4f08d8.html】 二、教学课题 1.能在实际情景中运用Do you like …???Yes, I do.No, I don’t.???????? 2.通过本课的学习,让学生学会合作交往,并学会,融洽同学之间的关系以利于学生的身心健康。1.学生分析:小学英语的首要任务是培养学生的英语兴趣和激发他们学习英语的积极性。PEP2.内容分析:Do you like…? Yes, I do. /No, I don’t. What’s about…? I like…,水果单词pear, peach, orange, watermelon,因此,我将在实际情景中运用这些句型定为本课时教学重点,设计了制作健康食谱这一环节将重点落实到位,这种方式既直观又能有效激发学生的学习兴趣。 3.教学目标: : 1.能听、说、认读pear 【】 , peach【/show/1/42/6159050kd4af2fa9.html】, orange【/show/1/42/5461120k2971003c.html】, watermelon【/article-699.html】并能拼读pear. 2.能听懂会说句型:Do you like…? Yes, I do. /No, I don’t. What’s about…? I like…并能在实际情境中应用. 能力目标: 能正确使用句型Do you like…? Yes, I do./ No, I don’t.询问别人或表达自己的喜好. 情感目标: 通过创设情境,培养良好的饮食习惯。. 4.教学重点,难点: 重点:运用句型Do you like…? Yes, I do./No, I don’t. What’s about…? I like…并能在实际情景中运用. 难点:对句型I like them very much.的理解与运用以及单词them的正确的发音三.? :多媒体单词卡,图片. 5.教学策略: 【/v_show/id_XNTA3NDUxOTI0.html】 II Presentation 1.Learn the fruit words: pear, peach, orange, watermelon. (1)The groups have a race to say the words. (2). Spell the new words: pear (3). Play the missing game (4). Learn the singular form and plural form of the words (pear pears, peach peaches, orange oranges, watermelon watermelons) CAI: T:What’s this? S: It’s a/an…. T: What are these? S: They are…. 2. Learn the new sentences: Do you like…? Yes, I do. / No, I don’t. (1) CAI( Show the different fruit) T: I like…. Do you like…? S: Yes, I do./ No, I don’t.(If the students can’t answer ,the teacher should help them.) (2) Practice the dialogue in pairs. A: Do you like…? B: Yes, I do. / No, I don’t (3) Say the chant. pears, pears. Do you like pears? Do, do. Yes, I do. Peaches, peaches. Do you like peaches? Don’t, don’t. No, I don’t. Oranges, oranges. Do you like oranges? Do, do. Yes, I do. Watermelons, watermelons. Do you like watermelons? Don’t, don’t. No, I don’t. 3.Learn the new sentences: Let’s have some… What about…? (1) T: I like apples. Do you like ap


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