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智 课 网 托 福 备 考 资 料 2016年2月27-28日托福口语考试预测 2016年2月27/28日托福考试口语真题预测:2016年2月27/28日 托福口语将会考查那些内容呢?智课外语为大家带来2016年2月27/28日 托福口语真题预测。 点击查看:2016年2月27/28日托福考试完整预测 2月27/28日托福考试口语真题预测第一题: NO.1 Talk about an important decision that you have made. Explain in detail why this decision was important to you. NO.2 Which one of the following would you like to do on the weekend: stay with your family, go to the gym, or watch TV? NO.3 If your friend is dropping out of the college, would you consider it a good thing? NO.4 大学收到一大笔钱,问你认为应该花在哪里来改善学生的生活:技 术 运动设施,研究 NO.5 Which of the following Art classes would you be more interested in taking? Wood Sculpture, Painting or Photography? 三选一,可以学一样art,选哪样? wood sculpture; painting; 摄影; NO.6 你有个哥们要面试了,他问你要ADVICE啊,你觉得他怎么样才能 成功哇? NO.7 你认为哪个时期是最困难的:童年时期,青少年时期,成年时期? Which period do you think is most difficult: childhood, teenager oradulthood? NO.8 Describe your first time to go to school when you were young, you like it or not. NO.9 你住的国家面临的问题... 翻译的不知道对不对 原题似乎是 explain your countrys problem or OOXX NO.10 描述一个你喜欢与之聊天的人。 Describe a person whom you would like to talk with often (this person could be one of your close friends, family members or teachers). Explain why you would like to talk with this person and what you would talk about? NO.11 What are some important effects of the worldwide availability of Internet on modern peoples lives? Use specific details and examples to support your response. NO.12 How would you advise somebody who was planning to come to your country to study abroad? Give details and examples to support your response. Begin your response after the beep. NO.13 你朋友next semester要上一个很难的math class,他很紧张,问你有没有什么建议给他 NO.14 版本一:日常生活depend on 比较多的tool, object… 版本二 :最喜欢的科目是什么 NO.15 如果有计划来一次旅游,你会选


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