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* 1. 你去过说英语的国家吗?没有去过。 ________ you ever ______ English-speaking countries? No, I ________. 2. 这个孩子要了五十元钱去买了CD盘。 The child ________ 50 yuan _________ some CDs. 3. 他们已经决定学习英语了。 They ____________________ to study English. 4. 学好英语的最好方法是尽可能的多说。 ____________ to study English well ____________ speak as often as possible. 5. 我妈妈在这家医院已经当医生十三年了。 My mom ________________ a doctor in this hospital ___________ 3 years. 6. 我发现足球赛确实很精彩。 I found the football match ___________________. 7. 我正在考虑飞往上海而不是乘火车。 I’m thinking about ___________ to Shanghai rather than ___________ there ______ train. 8. 我爷爷没有去过美国。我爸爸也没有去过。 My grandfather _____________ to America. ________ my father. 9. 他们两个以前都不喜欢看电视。 ________ of them _________ watching TV. 10. 我的听力技巧需要提高。 My _____________ skills need ___________. 6. There are many _______ for visitors to the beach. A. ride boat B. boat ride C. boat rides D. the boat rides 7. Li Hua’s house is very far. She ________ the subway to school every day. A. takes B. take C. will take D. by 8. _______ have you been studying English? A. When B. How C. How long D. How many 9. Please come here. I need __________ you several questions. A. ask B. to ask C. asking D. for asking 10. I’m feeling better, so I’ve started ________. A. taking lessons B. to take lesson C. taking lesson D. take lesson 1. Mary has gone to the teacher’s office. ____________ has Joan. A. And B. Neither C. So D. But 2. He’d like ___________ to the supermarket. A. going B. goes C. go D. to go 3. My little brother has never been to __________ amusement park. A. a B. an C. / D. the 4. Many of buses and taxis ___________ busy. A. be B. are C. is D. am 5. Animal globes are ____________ very popular gifts. A. a kind of B. kind of C. the kind of D. kinds of 连词成句:(20分) 1. ever, you, to, been, have, museum, the _________



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