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八年级冲刺复习 八年级复习计划安排如下: 1.八年级词汇复习分为6讲---上册3讲,下册3讲; 2.有计划有效率地进行5分钟记忆 3.对完形填空文本的利用说明 4.揭示复习阶段完形填空练习的方向和技巧 5.总结提高完形填空准确率的方法 教学观察调查与建议 1.八年级的单词量陡增,阅读篇幅很长。 2.八年级的词汇占了中考很大的比例。 3.相似对比,判断推理在八年级的词汇教学中尤为突出重要。 4.词汇的构成和拓展,句式的形成和转化都与基本词汇息息相关。 5.以旧带新的学习方法,复合词,派生词,同义词,反义词等词 汇规律的学习,更能科学有效地帮助猜测一个“新词”在文段中的 大概意思。 6.大量的课外阅读文本的补充,不断刺激学生对词汇的认知和记忆;但同时词汇学习的程度结果分化,阻碍后阶段英语学习。 复习1.八年级上Unit 1—Unit 4 1.how often/how far/how long/how soon/how many times 2.hardly ever/never/ always 3.have a fever/have a sore throat 4.keep in good health/stay healthy/ have a healthy lifestyle 5.eat less meat/ fewer people 6.go sightseeing/go fishing/go hiking 7.something different 8.finish doing sth. 9.leave for school=go to school 10.the same as/ be different from 11.a number ofstudents= a lot of students/ the number of students 我们得到了什么? 1.How构成的疑问词组,形成不同意义的疑问句。 2.副词(如果用在反意疑问句中) 3.得病(痛)的词组表达式 4.health(n.) healthy(adj.) healthily(adv.) 5.less+ 不可数名词; fewer +可数名词复数 6.go + 动名词结构 7.不定代词(some-, any-, every- no-)+形容词结构 8.leave for 与leave的不同意思 9.a number of与the number of 的概念区分 复习2.八年级上Unit 5—Unit 8 1.thanks for doing sth. 2.Keep quiet/keep eyes open(closed)/keep..doing sth/keep in good health 3.in some ways 4.as…as…/ not so…as… 5.begin with/ to begin with 6.turn on/ off turn up/ down 7.hang out with one’s friends/hung 8.the Visitors’ Center 9.at the end of the day/ in the end=finally=at last 10.go for a drive 开车兜风 11.on my day off 在我休假的日子 12.none of them/ all of them both of them/ either of them/ neither of them 我们得到了什么? 1.keep动词词组 keep out/ keep away from/ keep up with 2.turn动词词组 turn in/ turn around 句式 it’s one’s turn to do sth. 3.相似的词组的不同意思begin with/ to begin with 4.复数名词的名词所有格 parents’ meeting/ five minutes’ walk 复习3.八年级上Unit 9—Unit 12 1.too…to 2.see sb. do sth./ see sb. doing sth. 3.at the age of 4.grow up 5.Somewhere interesting 6.do chores 7.make the bed (整理床铺) 8.borrow some money from sb. 9.take care of/ look after/ car



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