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浙江某高校教学楼智能管理系统的设计——以照明与风扇节电系统为例 董辉 石家庄双凤安装工程有限公司 河北 石家庄 050000 摘要:目前,各高校普通的教学楼照明与风扇系统存在严重的电能浪费现象和很 多不便之处。比如,由于同学们节电意识淡薄,自习室在白天光照能够满足要求 的情况下,经常是灯具全亮。而晚上有的教室只有很少人甚至没人往往也是灯火 通明,教学楼楼道内的灯在上课时间楼道内几乎没人经过而依然常亮等等现象, 造成严重的电能浪费。另外,教室和洗手间照明部分基本上完全是由人为控制, 即当人进入房间的时候先要找到房间内灯的开关,这个过程给人们带来了诸多不 便。而楼道照明部分基本上采用声控延时和触摸延时两种控制方式,其中声控延 时的控制方式需要一定分贝的声音来触发灯的控制部分使灯点亮,而突然间的噪 声经常会影响其他同学的正常学习。因此,本文针对高校教学楼严重电能浪费现 象,研发了一种性价比优的照明与风扇节电控制系统。 关键词:教学楼;智能管理系统;照明;风扇;节电系统 Abstract: At present, universities of ordinary building lighting and fan system exists serious waste of energy and a lot of inconvenience. Due to the students, for example, power saving consciousness, study area during the day under the condition of light can meet the requirements, is often full of lamps and lanterns. And in the evening some classroomonlyafew peopleeven nobodywas oftenthe lights,the buildingcorridor lights inclass time insidethe corridorfew passand still Chang Liangetc. Phenomenon,cause seriouswaste of electric power. Inaddition,the classroom andthe bathroom lighting part basicallyiscompletelycontrolledbyman-made,that iswhenthe manenteredthe roomto find the light switch in the rooms, this process brings much inconvenience. And the corridor lightingpartbasicallyUSESthe acoustictimeandtouchtimetwo kindsofcontrol mode, the acoustic time delay control mode needs certain decibels voice to trigger the control partofthe lamp lights up,and all of a sudden noiseoften affect other students of normal learning. Therefore, this article in view of the college teaching building serious waste of energy, developed an optimal ratio of lighting and fan energy-saving control system. Key words: Building; Intelligent management system; Lighting;Fan;Powersavingsystem 中图分类号:TU113.6+6 文献标识码:A 文章编号: 1.系统总体结构 系统的总体结构如图1所示 图1 控制系统总体结构框图 此电风扇智能控制器只要由MCU,键盘输入和LCD显示,电灯驱动,电机控 制与驱动,蜂鸣器报警,环境温度检测及自动调速等部分组


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