2018年山西省英语人教版必修2 Unit 5 Music 同步练习(六).docVIP

2018年山西省英语人教版必修2 Unit 5 Music 同步练习(六).doc

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2018年山西省英语人教版必修2 Unit 5 Music 同步练习(六)

Unit 5 Music 同步练习(六) I.单词拼写 1.The girls very famous.Even when she wore sunglasses people r _____her. 2.The man wanted to h ____in a cave because he was afraid that people would find him. 3.He felt l ____when he was at home a11 by himself. 4.The girl gave a p____ to a TV camera. 5.Fans waited for hours to get t ____ for their concerts. 6.Freddy had changed from a man to a_____ (青蛙) 7.He was very____ (自信)about his study. 8.I’m _____(荣幸)that you would ask me for advice. 9.If you want t6 succeed,you must make a special time for practicing and____(坚持)it. 1 0.You will also want to give several performances for friends and family to get their ideas on your musical_____ (能力)。 Ⅱ.短语翻译 1 1.在听录音前 1 2.像……一样好 1 3..对某事自信 1 4.一……就…… 1 5.戴着太阳镜 1 6.在电视节目上唱歌 1 7.变糟 1 8.隐私 1 9. 自从那时 20. 坚持 句型转换 21.AS soon as the programme was over,the telephones started ringing. ______ _____the programme ____,the telephones started_____ _____. 22.Freddy and his band could not go out because they were followed everywhere. Freddy and his band could not go out_____ ______ ______ ______. 23. They tried to hide in railway stations but it was useless. They tried to hide in railway stations but it was_____ ______ _____ 24.About 2 000 people worked on the project, many of whom came from Europe. 2 000 people____ _____,many_____ _____were_____, worked on the project. 25.NOW the girl doesn’t want to watch TV.She wants to read newspapers masthead· The girl_____ _____read newspapers_____ ______watch 1 V now· Ⅳ.单项填空 26.Not you but I _____invited to the palace ball. A.is B.are C.am D. has 27.____ they need ____something to make them healthy and strong. A.What;are B.That;are C.All;is D.A11 which;is 28.You will realize_____ break the law will be punished. A.that those who B.whoever C.that who D.those whoever 29.Jack as well as his two friends_____.



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