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绿色世博的理念和实践 Green Expo: Concept and Practices Dr. Xu Ding 许定博士 上海世博会事务协调局 Bureau of Shanghai World Expo Coordination 演讲纲要 | Outline 一、上海世博会概览|Brief Introduction of Expo2010 2002 年12 月3 日,上海成功赢得了2010 年世博会的主办权。 On December 3, 2002, China won the bid to host World EXPO. 上海世博会是历史上首届以“城市”为主题的综合类世界博览会。预计将吸引7000 万人次参 观,日均参观人次40 万。 It is the first time that ―city and life‖ is selected as the theme for the World EXPO. Estimated number of official exhibitors: 70 million 1. 选址 选址体现可持续发展理念 Location reflect sustainable concept 为促进黄浦江两岸的可持续发展,让黄浦江及其两岸的功能实现由生产型到综合服务型的 转变,在申办 2010 年上海世博会时,决定将 2010 年上海世博会的场址范围选择在黄浦江 两岸的滨水区域 。 In order to develop both sides of Huangpu River, and transfer the foundation from production to comprehensive service, we selected the waterfront area to construct the expo park 2010. 2.世博会规划范围5.28 平方公里Planning Area:5.28km2 围栏区面积3.28 平方公里The enclosed area 3.28 km2 3.分区 Zoning 4.参展情况 Participants 二、世博会主题的绿色内涵|Green meaning of Expo theme 1、目 标:Objective 世博会的组织者和参展者需要回答以下三个主要问题: By developing the ―city‖ theme, the participants seek to answer the following three major questions: 什么样的城市让生活更美好? 1 What kind of cities make life better? 什么样的生活观念和实践让城市更美好? What kind of life makes cities better? 什么样的城市发展模式让地球家园更美好? What kind of urban development models make the Earth better for mankind and all its inhabitants? 2. 背 景 Context 绿色世博的缘起与发展 《寂静的春天》、《增长的极限》等书籍的出版,提高了国际社会对环境问题的关注程度。 Books like Silent Spring and Limits to Growth led to widely attention of environment problems around the world. 1987 年,世界环境与发展委员会向联合国提出了题为《我们共同的未来》的报告,第一次 在国际社会正式提出“可持续发展”的理念。 Our Common Future is a report from the United Nations World Commissi


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