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关于合理确定集装箱码头 装船顺序的算法 论文作者:陈海燕 指导教师:吕长虹 内容摘要 装船质量和装船速度是衡量一个集装箱码头服务质量的重要指标。由于很多因素的影响,在上海港集装箱码头的装船作业中,常常面临着两者不能兼顾的局面,一般的实际操作都是为保证船期而不得不牺牲了装船质量,从而大大影响了上海港码头的对外形象。如何在保证装船速度的前提下提高装船质量成为上海港实现堆场智能化管理中亟需解决的问题。 本文所研究的问题是:如何在给出箱区图和配载图的情况下,根据不同的装船方式,运用计算机程序确定合理的发箱和装箱顺序?这是实现集装箱码头堆场智能化中的一个具体问题。目前,在给出箱区图和配载图的情况下,码头工人一般是依据经验来确定发箱和装箱顺序的,这带有很大的盲目性和随意性,尤其是在兼顾装船质量和装船速度方面,存在着严重的不足。 在分析了集装箱码头的有关资料,并作了深入思考之后,本文主要依据实际数据,针对两种在码头实际装船作业中应用性较强的装船方式进行了研究,分别对其做了建立数学矩阵模型,制定合理算法,编写 MATLAB 程序等工作,并论证了它们在实际操作中的可行性。编写的程序成功地做到,只要输入箱区图和配载图的相关信息后,就能迅速得到相应的比较合理的发箱和装箱顺序。这比码头工人依据经验确定的发箱和装箱顺序在装船质量和装船速度上有非常大的提高(本文中有具体事例说明)。因此本文的研究结果将会在集装箱码头的实际装船作业中具有很强的可执行性和应用性。 关键词 集装箱码头,装船质量,装船速度,算法 Abstract Shipment quality and shipment speed are important indexes to measure a harbors service quality. In the Shanghai Harbor, because of many reasons, workers are facing the quandary that they can’t ensure shipment quality and shipment speed together. The generally actual operation was had to sacrifice the shipment quality for guaranteeing the sailing schedule, which seriously affected the image of the Shanghai Harbor. How to increase the shipment quality at the premise of shipment speed became an important problem of the Shanghai Harbors intelligence management. What I study is: How to calculate a reasonable shipment order under the situation of giving an area diagram and the relevant ship diagram? This is a concrete problem of harbor’s intelligence management. At present, the dock man is generally according to the experience to decide the shipment order under the situation of giving an area diagram and the relevant ship diagram. It is very blind and arbitrary, and bringing many troubles to shipment work, particularly in the aspects of shipment quality and shipment speed. After analyzing many data of shipment work and reading some relevant articles, in this thesis, I chose two practical shipment methods to discussing. I did a lot of works for each shipment method, such as es


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