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Baosteel and Bridge
序 Preface
上世纪30年代 ,茅以升先生主持设计监造的钱塘江公铁两用
长江大桥,到南京大胜关长江大桥 ;从 “洋钢材”到国产高性能桥梁
钢 ;短短几十年间,大桥的跨径也从百米一越到千米。滔滔江水见证
不知是桥推动了钢的发展 ,还是钢推动了桥的发展 ,大概兼而
三十年前,宝钢应运而生。历经磨砺 ,以超人的胆识和毅力,秉
承 “诚信”的价值观 ,以 “向社会提供超值的产品和服务”为使命,一
路超越 ,迅速成长,势不可挡地走在世界钢铁工业的前列。
如今,宝钢与桥梁相濡以沫 ,相映生辉,共同演绎和谐的美丽,
共同实现 “高强”的梦想。
Modern bridge can be regarded as perfect integration examples of tech-
nology and art.
In the 30’s of last century, China’s modern steel bridge history has been
turned into a new page by the Qiantang River Rail-cum-road Bridge, which de-
signed and supervised construction by Mr. Mao Yisheng. From the first Wuhan
Yangtze Grand Bridge to Nanjing Dashengguan Yangtze Bridge, China bridge
has achieved great changes from using foreign steel to domestic made high per-
formance steel in a few decades and the bridge span has been extended from
hundreds meters to thousand meters. The surging river has been witnessing of
the change of bridge and narrating the deep affections between steel and bridge.
It’s hard to tell whether it’s the bridge pushes forward steel development
or it’s the steel stimulates bridge development. Both steel and bridge have been
developed at the same time by reacting to each other.
Baosteel was founded 30 years ago by the demand of development
needs. Overcoming difficulties by its extraordinary courage and perseverance
and pursuing the value of “honesty” and carrying the mission of “providing
value-added products and services”, Baosteel has been growing rapidly with
exceeding advantages and has made itself top ranking in the world’s iron and
steel industry.
Baosteel has a complicated complex in bridge. From Shanghai Xupu
Bridge to Wuhan Tianxingzhou Yangtze River Bridge, from Zhejia
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