环性与线性 —— 中西文化比较 (Part III)2.ppt

环性与线性 —— 中西文化比较 (Part III)2.ppt

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环性与线性 —— 中西文化比较 (Part III)2

Lines and Circles: A Contrastive Study of Western and Chinese Cultures 环性与线性 —— 中西文化比较 (Part III) Zuo Biao Contrast in respect of : Worldview (宇宙观) Core values (核心价值观) Outlook on time (时间观) Modes of thinking (思维模式) Linguistic expression (语言表达) Outlook on Arts (艺术观) 2. Core Values 价值观 Linear individuality and circular integrity 线单环整 3. Outlook on time 时间观 Linear extension and circular rotation 线伸环旋 4. Mode of thinking 思维模式 W: Dissecting things into parts and analyzing their relationships, thinking in terms of logic (逻辑思维)and abstract reasoning (抽象推理) 5. Linguistic expression 语言表达 Linear branch-like connection and circular wave-like moving 线枝环波 English tree-like sentence structure英语的线性树式句子结构 Trunk line: S + V + (O) 主干线:主语+谓语+(宾语) Branches and sub-branches : Adverbials and attributes 支线及分支线:状语和定语 Hypotactic, connectives 形合语言,连接词语 explicit cohesion 显性联接 Product and facilitator of abstract thinking and formal logic 线性语言是抽象思维和形式逻辑的产物,反过来又促进抽象思维和形式逻辑的发展。 English: linear tree-like sentence structure (线性树式结构) As a nation of gifted people who comprise about one-fourth of the total population of the earth, China plays in world affairs a role that can only grow more important in the years ahead. — Jimmy Carter 吉米·卡特 Chinese: circular bamboo-like sentence structure (环性竹式结构) 从前这里有一个渔村,村里住着十户人家,这十户人家全靠打鱼、种地 为生,生活艰苦,但很安宁。 开始家人是不让父亲抽烟的,得了绝症后,想开了,抽吧,拣好的买,想抽就抽。 English: fixed point of sight (视点固定) “我会揍你的。” “不,你不会。” “是的,我会的。” “不,你不会的。” “我会的。” “你不会的。” “会!” “不会!” Chinese: moving point of sight (视点流动) “I can lick you.” “No, you can’t.” “Yes, I can.” “No, you can’t.” “I can.” “you can’t.” “Can!” “Can’t!” 我要揍你。 你敢! 敢又怎么样? 那你就试试吧! 试试?哼,你等着瞧! 等着瞧?我才不怕呢! 不怕,好,那你休想逃走。 谁逃了?来呀,你揍啊! Please compare: 我要揍你。 你敢! 敢又怎么样? 那你就试试吧! 试试?哼,你等着瞧! 等着瞧?我才不怕呢! 不怕,好,那你休想逃走。 谁逃了?来呀,你揍啊! Chinese moving point of sight (视点流动 环环扣紧) English fixed poin


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