电子商务管理视角 重点内容.doc

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电子商务管理视角 重点内容

名词解释: Oraganizations(corporations)that perform most of their business off-line(脱机,离线),selling physical products by means of physical agents. Vritual(pure-play) organizations(纯网店):Organizations that conduct their business activities solely(单独地,唯一地) online. Click-and-mortar(click-and-brick)organizations(鼠标加水泥组织,有网店加实体店):Organizations that conduct some e-commerce activities,but do their primiary business in the physical world. *Intranet(内联网,企业内部网):An internal corporate or government network that uses Internet tools,such as Web browers(浏览器),and Internet protocols(协议,草案). *Extranet(外联网):a network that uses the Internet to link multiple(adi.多重的,多样的,许多的) interacts *(B2B)Business to business(商家对商家 企业间):E-commerce model in which all ofthe participants are businesses or other organizations.麦当劳只能买到可口可乐 *(B2C)Business to consumer(供应商对消费者,企业对个人):E-commerce model inwhich businesses sell to individual shoppers(n.消费者;顾客) 例如:卓越 *e-tailing零售:Online retailing,usually B2C *(B2B2C)Business to business to consumer(供应商-经销商-消费者) : E-commercemodel in which a business provides some product or sevice to a client business that maintains its own customers *(C2B)consumer to business(个人对商家,要约,客户发布需要XX,价格XX,有商家 定是否接受):E-commerce model in which Internet to sell products or services to organizations or individuals seek sells to bid(投标) on products or services they need. *(C2C)consumer to consumer :E-commerce model in which consumers consumers sell directly to each consumers *Peer to peer(端对端):Technology that enables networked peer computers to share data and processing with each other directly;can be used in B2B,C2C and B2C e-commerce *Business model(商业模:A method of doing business by which a company can generate revenue to sustain(维持)itself *Revenue model(盈利模式):Description of how the company or an EC project will earn revenueRevenue models: sales. 2、transactio


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