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美国各大学经济学研究生主要课程 发信站: 北大未名站 (2003年11月12日23:36:36 星期三), 转信     一、基础理论 Microeconomics The theory of the consumer, theory of the firm, perfect and imperfect competition, welfare economics, and selected topics in general equilibrium and uncertainty. Microeconomic Analysis Economic theory and methodology; Theory of consumer behavior, theory of the competitive firm, supply and factor demand; Duality relations in consumer and producer theory, partial equilibrium analysis, stability and comparative statics; Introduction to game theory; Theory of imperfect competition. General equilibrium analysis, efficiency, and welfare; Market failures, externalities, and the theory of the second best; Uncertainty and economic theory; Producer supply and factor demand decisions under uncertainty; Portfolio and savings decisions under uncertainty; value of information; Applications of game theory to economic analysis. Microeconomic Theory Consumer and producer theory under conditions of certainty. Decision making under uncertainty Economics of information Applications of game theory Models of imperfect competition. General equilibrium theory, including existence and stability Welfare economics and social choice. Advanced Microeconomic Theory Covers advanced topics in microeconomic theory. State-of-the-art research papers and books are read, and presentations are made by students as well as faculty. Rational Choice Theory Measurement and Aggregation in Economics General Equilibrium Social Choice and Welfare Uncertainty and Information Special Topics in Microeconomic Theory. Welfare Theory Notions of economic efficiency, equivalent, and compensated variation measures, consumer and producer surplus, market failures, social choice, path independence, compensated demand curves, cost-benefit evaluation, and public choice. Macroeconomics Models of aggregate supply and demand, theories of consumption and investment, money supply and demand, inflation, ration


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