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潇湘职业学院 毕业论文(设计) 题 目:试述质量检验对国际贸易的影响 姓 名: 系 部:经 济 管 理 专 业:商 务 英 语 班 级:大06商务英语1班 指导教师: 2004年 4 月 20日 摘 要 质量问题关系到人民群众的人切身利益,关系到国家的形成民族的振兴。质量问题是经济发展中的一个战略问题。质量水平的高低是一个国家经济、科技、教育和管理水平的综合反映。当前,经济全球化浪潮正在波及世界的每一个角落,和其他发展中国家一样我国已经成为全球产品和服务供应链的重要一环。随着加入WTO时的承诺逐步兑现,我国市场对外开放的范围也越来越大,这一切意味着,我们必须加快步伐,在已经取得的成就上更上一层楼。我们更应清楚的认识到质量检验在国际贸易中的影响,一些生产企业应抓好质量关,一些质检部门必须把好出口关,为促进我国经济社会持续协调健康发展和人民生活质量的全面提高作出新的贡献。 本文主要论述了质量检验的定义、基本要点、主要功能关运用了一些实例论述了质量检验在各方面对国际贸易的影响。 关键词:质量检验 进出口商品检验 国际贸易 Abstract Quality problems related to the immediate interests of the people, the country has a bearing on the formation of national revitalization .the quality problem is one of strategic issue of economic development The quality level’s hight reflect a countrys economy, science and technology, education and comprehensive of the level of management. At present, economic globalization are spread to all over the world,as other developing countries like China has become an important part of supply chains of the worlds products and services, With the accession to the WTO to gradually fulfill the promises ,it have made increasing the scope of Chinas market opening to the outside world, it means that we must speed up the pace in what has been achieved on a higher level. We should recognize the effects of the quality in international trade clearly, all of production enterprises should check the quality of goods, quality inspection departments must try their best to make new contributions for . promoting Chinas sustained and coordinated economic and social development and peoples health overall quality of life This article focuses on the definition of the quality Inspection 、the basis elements of quality Inspection、 the main functions of quality Inspection and used some examples to show that quality Inspection influence with international trade. Keywords:Quality InspectionImport and Export



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