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? 城市各收入阶层的消费者行为特征研究_其它相关论文-毕业论文? 未知? 写在前面: 1.此文档版权归原作者所有,下载之前请确认。 2.如果不小心侵犯了你的权益,请与我联系,必将立刻做出处理。 ?? 2010-07-10 00:50:55?   摘 要:改革开放以来,我国居民收入分配差距的变化是巨大的,这种收入差距的扩大导致了不同收入阶层的形成,各个收入阶层又形成了各自的消费者行为特征。低收入阶层主要是下岗职工、失业人员、靠打零工或摆小摊养家糊口的人、较早退休或内定退休的集体企业职工、停产或半停产企业职工以及领取最低生活保障的残疾人和孤寡老人。中等收入阶层主要由政府公职人员、国有企业职工、科教文卫人员、个体经营者等组成。他们的收入基本稳定,在满足日常消费之外有一定的结余。高收入阶层主要是企事业单位的管理人员、演艺界和体育界的明星,律师、医生等。各个收入阶层的消费为国家的宏观消费政策的制定提供支撑。 ?? 关键词:各收入阶层;消费者行为;特征   Abstract:Since the reform and open policy, our country inhabitant division of income disparity change has been huge, this kind of income differential expansion has caused the different income social stratum formation, each income social stratum has formed respective consumer behavior characteristic . The low income social stratum mainly is composed of the unemployed person, people depends on the odd-job , people leaves early rests ,the disabled person and the widowed senior citizen who or the decided but not yet announced retired collective enterprise staff, the production suspension or half production suspension enterprise staff as well as receives the lowest social security. The medium income social stratum mainly is composed of the government public official, the state-owned enterprise staff, the science and technology education article health personnel, the individual operator and so on. Their income basic stable, and they have certain surplus in satisfies beside the daily expense. The high income social stratum mainly is composed of enterprises,administrator ,attorney, doctor and so on. The consumption of each income social stratum provides the support for the policy formulation of national macroscopic.?   Key words:acteristic various income social stratum; consumer behavior ;characteristic?      改革开放以来,我国居民收入分配差距的变化是巨大的,这种收入差距的扩大导致了不同收入阶层的形成,各个收入阶层又形成了各自的消费者行为特征。分析这些特征能使我们对各个收入阶层的消费有个初步的了解,且能为国家的宏观消费政策的制定提供支撑。?      一、低收入阶层的消费者行为特征?      低收入阶层主要是下岗职工、失业人员、靠打零工或摆小摊养家糊口的人、较早退休或内定退休的集体企业职工、停产或半停产企业职工以及领取最低生活保障的残疾人和孤寡老人。从他们的外部环境



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