《托马斯微积分》 第11版 (附带习题答案)_部分2.pdf

《托马斯微积分》 第11版 (附带习题答案)_部分2.pdf

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《托马斯微积分》 第11版 (附带习题答案)_部分2

170 Chapter 3: Differentiation 44. Find the tangent to the Witch of Agnesi (graphed here) at the point how to find the amount of medicine to which the body is most (2, 1). sensitive. 51. Suppose that the function y in the Product Rule has a constant y 8 value c. What does the Product Rule then say? What does this say y 2 x 4 about the Constant Multiple Rule? 2 52. The Reciprocal Rule (2, 1) 1 a. The Reciprocal Rule says that at any point where the function x 0 1 2 3 y(x) is differentiable and different from zero, 45. Quadratic tangent to identity function The curve y = d a 1b = - 1 dy . ax2 + bx + c passes through the point (1, 2) and is tangent to the dx y y2 dx line y = x at the origin. Find a, b, and c. Show that the Reciprocal Rule is a special case of the 46. Quadratics havi


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