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XXXX大学 本科生毕业设计说明书 题 目:XX市景苑办公大楼 建筑结构设计 学生姓名:XXX 学 号:XXXXXXX 专 业:土木工程 班 级:土木20XX-X班 指导教师:XXX XX市景苑办公大楼建筑结构设计 摘要 本工程为XX市景苑办公大楼。建筑物的总高度为44.1m,建筑面积为9733.3,室内外高差为750mm。结构体系为框架-剪力墙结构,基础采用筏形基础。本地区的抗震设防烈度为8度,剪力墙的抗震等级为一级,框架的抗震等级为二级。 本设计包括建筑和结构两部分。建筑部分主要包括建筑平面、立面及楼梯的设计。结构设计部分主要包括结构方案的选择及确定、结构构件的布置,结构各构件的刚度计算、水平地震作用下内力计算;利用结构设计软件PKPM对整体进行计算,并把主要控制截面的内力与手算进行比较。利用电算的结果对一榀框架、一片剪力墙和基础进行内力组合并对其截面设计。 关键词: 框架—剪力墙 内力计算 内力组合 截面设计 Government Office Building Of Jiuyuanqu District Of XXX Abstract This project is the government office building of Jiuyuanqu district of XXXXXX. The total building area is about 9,126square meters and the total building height is 43.2 meters, and the difference between inside and outside ground levels is 750millimeter. the main structure of the building is a frame-shear wall structure, and structure is reinforced concret structure and the fundation is raft fundation. The seismic fortification intensity design is 8 degrees, the shear wall is First class and for the class of frame structure is Second class. This design is composed of architecture design and structure design. Archetecture design includes plane,elevation and stairs design. The structure design includes structure scheme ,stiffness and strength of the structure. The stiffness calculation and internal force calculation under horizontal seismic action of structure components. Utilizing structure software PKPM to calculate a beam, and comparing the main control section of the internal forces with the manual method.The last I combinate the computer caculation of one basis frame , shear wall and the fundation,and I also design the section of the structures. Keyword: Frame-shear wall Internal force calculation internal force combination Section design 目 录 第一章 结构选择方案 1 1.1 结构选型 1 1.1.1 框架结构体系 1 1.1


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