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广州亚运会对呜呜祖拉说不 Organisers ban vuvuzela at Asiad event The vuvuzela trumpet, which became the droning soundtrack to the football World Cup in South Africa, has been banned from the Asian Games, organisers have confirmed. Vuvuzelas provoked strong emotions in South Africa, with some fans loving the distinctive low-pitched bellow while others -- including many players, coaches and commentators -- driven to distraction. But athletes gathered for the 16th Asiad which opens on Friday will have no such concerns after a local government official confirmed that the plastic trumpet, often in garish colours, will be banned from all venues. Zhang Youquan, deputy director of the civilisation office of the Guangzhou government, named the vuvuzela amid a list of banned items. That list, prominently displayed outside venues, also includes whistles, lighters and matches, drink, food in large amounts that can be easily thrown, balls, rackets, frisbees and balloons. According to a report by the Guangzhou Daily, spectators violating etiquette during the Games featuring 45 countries and regions competing in 42 sports will be advised by volunteers. Vuvuzelas became the unofficial symbol of the World Cup, but they drowned out crowd chants and made it nearly impossible for players to communicate with each other. The horns have since been banned by UEFA, European footballs governing body, and by several English Premier League club grounds, as well as at the Commonwealth Games last month in New Delhi. 亚运会组织者证实:本届亚运会中禁止出现南非世界杯足球赛中嗡嗡作响的呜呜祖拉。 呜呜祖拉在南非引发了强烈的情绪,有些球迷喜欢这种喇叭发出的有特色的低沉的响声,而其他一些人——包括许多球员、教练和评论员——则被这喇叭声搞得心烦意乱。 不过将参加在周五开幕的第16届亚运会运动员则不会为此担忧,因为当地政府官员已经证实这种色彩艳丽的塑料喇叭将在所有场地中被禁用。 广州市文明办副主任张友泉公布的一系列禁带物品名单中提到了呜呜祖拉。 禁带物品名单张贴在场馆外的显著位置,名单中还包括哨子、打火机、火柴、饮料、容易被抛掷出的大块食物、球、球拍、飞盘和气球。 根据《广州日报》的一篇报道,比赛期间违反规则的观众将受到志愿者的劝诫。参加这次比赛的有来自45个国家和地区的运动员,共有42个比赛项目。 呜呜祖拉成了南非世界杯的非官方标志,但是这些喇叭的响声盖过了观众的加油声,并让球员几乎无法和彼此进行沟通。 这些喇叭已经被欧洲足球管理机构欧足联封杀,另外,几个英超足球俱乐部的赛场和上个月在新德里举行的英联邦运动会也禁用呜呜祖拉。 英国将引入幸福指数作为决策依据 Britain to introduc


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