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lesson 2 课后答案

.n. .n. refer to… ----- -ence .n. 3,4,5 -----.v. past participle overdrawn 透支 6,7,8------ -er .n. drawer 抽屉;开票人 Pressure cooker 高压锅 Cook 厨师 cooker 9,10----- -ous adj. 11,12---- -ness .n. 13,14---- -ly adv. 15.--- -able adj. Homesick adj. The part of speech of a compound word usually depends on the part of speech of the last word in it. 17. .n. 泥流 18. 。n. 19.n. 沙尘暴 20. .n. 瀑布 2. 2. banknote 钞票 5. handshake 握手 6. 山体滑坡 10. 店员 12. 交叉火力 13. will .n. Where there is a will, there is a way. 意志 Willpower 意志力 -y 3. cotton .n. cottony adj. 棉花般的雪 6. flesh .n. flesh and blood fleshy 肉嘟嘟的鼻子 7. 多毛的胸部 8. bush .n. A bird in hand is worth two in bushes. 灌木丛 Bushy eyebrows 浓密的眉毛 Eyelash 睫毛 9. wave .n. 波浪 wavy hair 卷曲的头发 12. silver .n. 银 silvery hair 银发 13. rose .n. rosy adj. 红润的面颊 14. bone .n. 骨头 bony adj. 多刺的鱼 16. smell .n. v. smelly 气味难闻的奶酪 18. flower .n.----flowery adj. 华而不实的语言 4. words which can be used both as nouns and verbs. Duck .n. v. 低头 Air .n. .v. 通风 Thread .n. 线 .v. thread a needle 穿针引线 Fish ..n.鱼 .v. 钓鱼 fish in troubled waters 浑水摸鱼 Pocket .n. 口袋 .v. 把……装进口袋 Head for .v. 驶向,走向 6. chair .n.椅子 chairman .n. 主席 Rocket .n. 火箭 .v. rocket to power 平步青云 Skin .n. 皮,皮肤 .v. 剥皮 Beauty is skin deep. 美丽只是一层皮。 (不必墨守成规)。 Wolf .n. 狼 wolf down .n. 狼吞虎咽 open / close show / keep attend / hold/ chair/ close change ./ make up one’s mind / read /speak attract/ hold/ keep/draw deposit/save/ make/earn/ wear/show He stared at me wearing an expression of astonishment. follow /obey/ break waste/ save/ kill represent /protect/ consider you are being cheated. 现在进行时的被动语态 The present progressive passive voice. 10 Because he was being followed at that time. (the past progressive passive voice) 11. My car is being repaired. 12. I hear it is being criticized by many people. 4. 1. move in on; happened to; (准备)攻击;向……逼近; Several of his pals started to move in on me. 他的几个同伙准备对我下手。 That guy tried to move in on my


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