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目 录 摘 要 I Abstract II 一、绪论 1 二、框架结构主体施工方案 2 (一)施工方案 2 1.模板及其支架必须符合下列规定 2 2.模板构造及安装 2 3.钢筋工程 3 4.围护砌体工程施工 4 (二)施工顺序 5 1.工艺流程 5 2.支模程序 6 3.注意事项 6 三、混凝土的应用范围与质量的保证措施 7 (一)钢筋混凝土的应用范围 7 (二)框架剪力墙裂缝问题 7 1.混凝土强度等级不同的问题 7 2.混凝土保护层厚度问题 8 3.梁柱节点箍筋施工问题 8 4.钢筋混凝土框架结构冬期施工的问题 9 (三)高层建筑施工质量控制措施 10 1.高层建筑的强度控制 10 2.建筑裂缝的控制 10 总结 12 致谢 13 参考文献 14 摘要 框架剪力墙的成承载能力比较大,是建筑布置中较为灵活的结构体系。现代高层建筑随着社会生产和科学技术的进一步发展,一大批先进的仪器和施工工艺越来越广泛地应用到施工中,这对设计、施工等环节也提出了越来越高的要求。强度、三线、裂缝、安全都是些门类科学,值得进一步研究、探讨。针对高层框架结构设计和施工中存在的混凝土强度等级不同、混凝土保护层厚度、梁柱节点箍筋施工等问题进行了分析,并提出了相应的处理措施,以有效解决高层建筑工程中存在的问题,提高和保证主体结构的施工质量。 在施工过程中,对于钢筋混凝土框架结构的施工,有关规范虽已有详细规定,但仍有若干问题没有明确具体作法,给工程质量留下隐患。针对梁柱节点箍筋施工、钢筋混凝土强度等级、保护层厚度等方面的常见问题,对钢筋混凝土框架结构施工方法提出改进意见。 关键词:高层建筑 框架结构 梁柱节点 保护层 Abstract Frame shear wall into the bearing capacity is large, construction layout in a more flexible structure system. Modern high-rise buildings with the social production and the further development of science and technology, a large number of advanced equipment and construction technology are more and more widely applied to the construction, the design, construction and other aspects have put forward higher and higher requirements. Strength, three lines, crack, safety is more science, worthy of further research, exploration. According to the design and construction of high-rise frame structure in the presence of different level of concrete strength, thickness of concrete protective layer, beam column joint stirrup construction the paper analyzes the problems, and put forward corresponding measures, in order to solve the engineering problems, improve and ensure the construction quality of main structure. In the process of construction, the reinforced concrete frame construction, the code has detailed provisions, but there are still some problems no specific course of action, to the project quality to stay hidden. The beam column node stirrup construction, reinforced concrete strength grade, the protective layer thickness for common problems such as, the reinforced


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