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1 A process is any or a group of activities that takes one or more inputs , transforms and adds value to them , and provides one or more outputs for its customs.       生产过程是一项或者一组活动,这个活动采用一个或多个输入,通过转化,增加了它们的副价值,并为顾客提供了一个或者多个输出。 2 Production Planning is the process of converting corporate strategy along with market and financial policy into details for the efficient utilization of the production system.       生产计划是为了有效地利用生产系统,从而将公司战略以及市场及财务改革转变为细节的一个过程。 3 A simplified view of the strategic planning process is shown by the following process: Mission and objectives —Environmental scanning—Strategy implementation—Evaluation and control. 最简单的战略计划过程如下所示:任务和目标—环境考察—战略的制定—战略实施—评价以及控制 4 Material requirements planning (MRP) -a computerized information system-was developed specifically to aid companies manage dependent demand inventory and schedule replenishment order.       物料需求计划--一种计算机化的信息系统--开发专门用来帮助公司管理相关需求的存货以及安排补充订货5 The purpose of an MRP system is to reduce the cash needed by a manufacturing organization. This increases the organizations return on investment, directly making the manufacturer a more profitable, attractive investment.       MRP系统的目的是通过制造组织来减少系统所用现金,增加组织系统的回报率,直接地帮助制造商制定一个利润更高,更具吸引力的投资决策 6 The Council of Logistics Management defined the logistics in 1992 as the process of planning, implementing, and controlling the effective flow and storage of goods , services , and related information from point of origin to point of consumption for the purpose of conforming to customer requirements.            在1992年,物流管理协会对物流作了如下定义:物流是指为满足消费者需求而对商品、服务及相关信息从生产地到消费地的高效流动和储存而进行的规划、实施与控制的过程 7 The theory of logistics engineering is the study of analyzing, designing, optimizing and controlling the logistics system as a whole. It utilizes the methods of the industrial engineering and systems engineering. The study of logistics is of great importance in the production practice.            物流工程理论总体来说是分析,设计,优化,控制物流系统的研究,它综合运用工业工程和系统工程的方法。物流学的研究在生产实践中具有重要意义 8 While a zero-


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