Chapter VI Literature 英美概况.ppt

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Chapter VI Literature 英美概况

Chapter VI Literature English literature has a long history and a secure position in world literature. England has often produced fine novelists, poets and playwrights. I. Fiction 1. Different types A. Novels: the emergence of fictional prose narrative from older verse forms, which led to the mixture of genres and styles known as the modern novels. B. Stories: people used to tell each other orally before they leant to read and write. C. Fables: about animals or supernatural persons or incidents and its purpose is teaching a moral. D. Legends: more serious so far as the themes are concerned. They are unverifiable stories handed down from earlier times and accepted as historical. They bring in human heroes as well as gods with a strong element of magic and a predominance of realism. The best-loved story is about Robin Hood. 《侠盗王子罗宾汉》 2. In the 16th century Thomas More托马斯·莫尔(1478-1535): a. Masterpiece: Utopia in two books First: a long conversation on the social condition of England Second: detailed description of a communist society of Utopia Main idea: the poverty of the labouring classes and the greed and luxury of the rich Principle of Utopia: From everyone according to his capacities, to everyone according to his needs, which is the practical basis for a communist society. b. Thomas More: He was one of the giants of Renaissance and a far-sighted thinker, but was no revolutionary movement among the exploited classes. He could see what was wrong and what was needed, but he could not find the ideological means for realizing his wishes. 3. 17th century- Puritan period John Bunyan (1628-1668) 约翰·班扬是十七世纪典型的清教徒作家。 a. A commanding prose writer b. great allegory寓言 --- Pilgrim’s Progress:天路历程 the most widely read book in England after the Bible. c. It is a religious allegory which depicts the spiritual pilgrimage of a Christian. d. He cherished a deep hatred for the king and his governme


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