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提高课教学设计 Unit 4 I want to be an actor (period 1 section 1a—2c) Teaching goals: 知识目标:学习如何介绍自己的家庭成员的职业。 ?? 句型:I want to be a doctor. ?????????????? ?What’s your dad? He’s a doctor. ?????????????? What’s your mum? She’s a nurse. ??????扩展句型:What does your father/mother do? He/she’s a/an ---. 技能目标:1、能在模拟的采访情景中,介绍自己家庭成员的职业以及自己的 理想职业。 ????????? 2、要求学生会快速阅读短文并能根据短文进行回答。 ????????? 3、能在掌握句型后,模仿写出一封E-mail。??????? 情感态度目标:通过本课学习,培养学生热爱家庭,并为实现自己的理想而努力学习。 Teaching key points:能够熟练地掌握询问家庭成员的职业的句型,并能进行交际。 Teaching difficult points:1、学生对未来理想职业的问与答。(普遍学生都要掌握) 2、拓展部分给Lily写封E-mail回信。(要求部分学生能够写出并能读。) Teaching tools:ppt、words card and so on. Teaching procedure: 一、?????? Warming-up T: Who’s on duty today??? S: I am. Duty: Who’s she??? S: She’s Yang Lan. Duty: She’s a hostess.?? S: Read. Duty: Who’s he??? S: He’s Li Yong. Duty: He’s a host.?? S: Learn these words. T: Who want to teach some job’s words? S: Teach. 二、Presentation T: Who’s he?? S: He’s Zhu Qingxuan. T: Who’s he?? S: He’s my mother. T: What’s your mum?? S: He’s a ---. T: Who’s she?? S: She’s Shen Ao. T: Who’s she?? S: She’s my father. T: What’s your dad? ??S: She’s a ---. T: We can say “What does your father do?” S: He’s a---. T: What does your mother do? S: She’s a ---.? S---S T: When you ask someone parents’ job, we can say(板书)What’s your dad/Mum? ? He/She’s a/an ---. And “What does your father/mother do? He/She’s a/an---. ”(板书) T: Ok. Now you are pupils. (ppt) Every day you go to school. Years and years, in 2020, you will go to work. Right? Now let’s think what do you want to be in the future? future S: Read. T: Please say after me “What do you want to be in the future?” S: Read. T: Answer “I want to be a ---.” S: I want to be a ---. T: Let’s talk about each other. S---S T: Good, you will get good job in the future. You must study hard now. T: Let’s look at the picture. This is Wei Min. This is Wei Min’s family. This is hostess. The hostess interview Wei Min’s family. Let’s think if you are a hostess, what do you wa


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