FSC V3-0版本培训-V3-0与V2-0的区别.pptx

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XXX有限公司FSC COC V3-0版培训培训目标FSC background and requirement FSC的背景及主要要求Understand the differences between the standard FSC-STD-40-004 V3 vs FSC-STD-40-004 V2-1 了解FSC-STD-40-004对比V2.1新的要求Understand the usage of trademark vs FSCSTD-50-001?? ??????????????????????????????What is FSC (什么是FSC) ?Forest Stewardship Council (??森林管理委员会??)– Non-profit making organization (非牟利机构)– Formed in 1993 (成立于1993)– By Loggers, Sociologists, Foresters Environmentalists (由一群环境科学家、社会学家、林木工作者组成)– Ensure sustainable forestry( 确保可持续发展的森林)– Set principles, criteria standards and guides formanagement (制定对林木管理的原则、准则及标准)Mission of FSC(FSC的使命)Environmentally responsible 对环境保护负责任????????????????? Socially beneficial 对社会有益处??????????? Economical。 有经济效益 What to do and what is good? Demonstrate awareness on environmental protection(环保意识逐渐提高)Satisfy customer’s needs(满足客户需要)Support environmental and social responsibility(支持环保及社会责任)Improve working process: —Clear responsibility权责清晰?????? —Complete records记录完整 —Useful management data有经济效益COC(chain-of-custody)连锁监管Unbroken path which products take form the forest to the consumer, including all stages of manufacturing, transformation and distribution物料必须从认可的良好管理森林及受控来源而来Applicable products CoC Scope(COC 范围内的产品)Sawn wood(木材)Assembled products(组装产品)Chip and fiber products(纤维制品) Claims for FSC Certified Materials and Products (FSC 物料及产品类别)Claims for FSC certified materials and productsQuoted form FSC-STD-01-002 EN FSC Glossary ofFSC 100%:FSC-certified virgin material originating in FSCcertified forests or plantations that has not been mixed with material of another 物料源获FSC认证的树林或植场,且从未混入其它类别的物料Claims for FSC certified materials and productsFSC-certified virgin material based on input from FSCcertified,controlled and/or reclaimed sources, and supplied with a percentage claim or credit claim. FSC Mix material is only eligible to be used in FSC Mix product groups.来自已获FSC认证的、受管制的及/或回收的源头,且符合所采用之FSC制品申报制度的相关要求For FSC claim, percentage of Virgin Fibres input materials


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