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第63屆新加坡業餘公開錦標賽 邀請函 我們很高興宣佈新加坡高協將於2010年8月24~27日在華倫高爾夫鄉村俱樂部舉行第63屆新加坡業餘公開錦標賽。23日練習。 主辦單位欲邀請貴國提名2位選手參加,並提供下列的招待: 1. 指定飯店五晚的雙人房住宿 – 8月22日(週日)至27日(週五) 2. 免付報名費和球車費 3. 機場至指定飯店的接送 我們亦歡迎其他選手參加但所有費用須自理。 附件是比賽條件、報名表,和住宿申請表。請於7月26日(週一)中午12:00前繳交。 期盼您繼續支持並歡迎貴國選手前來參賽。若須進一步詢問,請向本會秘書處洽詢:電話 (65) 6755 5976或Email: sga@.sg 。 Peter Teo 新加坡高協總經理 63RD SINGAPORE OPEN AMATEUR CHAMPIONSHIP Warren Golf Country Club Tuesday 24th to Friday 27th August 2010 第63屆新加坡業餘公開錦標賽 華倫高爾夫鄉村俱樂部 2010年8月24-27日 CONDITIONS OF COMPETITION 比賽條件 GENERAL 一般資訊 The 63rd Singapore Open Amateur Championship will be held at the Warren Golf Country Club from 24th to 27th August 2010. It will be played in accordance with the Rules of Golf as approved by the RA Rules Ltd and Local Rules of the host club. 第63屆新加坡業餘公開錦標賽將在2010年8月24-27日假華倫高爾夫鄉村俱樂部舉行。比賽將依據RA頒布之高爾夫規則和主辦球場之當地比賽規則進行。 ELIGIBILITY參賽資格 The Championship is open to male amateur golfers with a USGA Handicap Index of 6.0 or lower, as at 1st July 2010. 開放給男子業餘選手參加,在2010年7月1日之前具備USGA差點6.0或以下之資格。 They must conform in all respects to the Rules of Amateur Status as laid down by the RA Rules Ltd. 符合RA規定之業餘資格。 TOURNAMENT FORMAT OF PLAY比賽方式 The Championship shall be played over four rounds of 18 holes each and based on stroke play. A cut will be made after 36 holes for the top 64 players (including tie/ties for the 64th placing) who shall qualify for the third and fourth rounds. 四回合比桿賽,每回合18洞。36洞後取前64名(含同桿者)晉級後兩回合。 The Champion shall be the player with the lowest aggregate score over the four rounds. 四回合總桿成績最低者為冠軍。 An International Team Event will be held in conjunction with the Championship. It shall be played over the first three rounds of the Championship. Each team will be represented by two players who shall be citizens or permanent residents of the country they represent. Team members not making the top 64 cut will be allowed to play in the 3rd round for the International Team Event. 國際隊際賽與前三回合同時舉行,各隊由2名具本國公民或永久居留身份者組隊。個人若未晉級前64名仍可打第三回合的國際隊際賽。 The Winning


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