
商业银行信用风险外文文献翻译 原文及译文.doc

商业银行信用风险外文文献翻译 原文及译文.doc

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商业银行信用风险外文翻译文献 (含:英文原文及中文译文) 英文原文 ESTIMATING THE TECHNICAL AND SCALE EFFICIENCY OF GREEK COMMERCIAL BANKS: THE IMPACT OF REDIT RISK, OFF-BALANCE SHEET ACTIVIES, AND INTERNATIONAL OPERATIONS K Galanopoulos 1. Introduction The Greek banking sector has undergone major restructuring in recent years. Important structural, policy and environmental changes that are frequently highlighted by both academics and practitioners are the establishment of the single EU market, the introduction of the euro, the internationalization of competition, interest rate liberalization, deregulation, and the recent wave of mergers and acquisitions. The Greek banking sector has also experienced considerable improvements in terms of communication and computing technology, as banks have expanded and modernized their distribution networks, which apart from the traditional branches and ATMs, now include alternative distribution channels such as internet banking. As the Annual Report of the Bank of Greece (2004) highlights, Greek banks have also taken major steps in recent years towards upgrading their credit risk measurement and management systems, by introducing credit scoring and probability default models. Furthermore, they have expanded their product/service portfolio to include activities such as insurance, brokerage and asset management, and at the same time increased their off-balance sheet operations and non-interest income. Finally, the increased trend towards globalization that focused on the wider market of the Balkans (e.g. Albania, Bulgaria, FYROM, Romania, Serbia) has added to the previously limited international activities of Greek banks in Cyprus and USA. The performance of the subsidiaries operating abroad is expected to have an impact on the performance of parent banks and consequently on future decisions for further internationalization attempts. The purpose of the present study is to employ data envelopment analysis (DEA) and reinvestigate the efficiency of the Greek banking


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