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我想了解一下你们银行抵押贷款的一些情况。 I’d like to know something about ___ offered by your bank. borrowing lending mortgage loan credit 答案:C 办理个人住房贷款需要什么条件? What qualification shall I have for a ___ ? mortgage loan personal housing loan living loan mortgage credit 答案:B 您是这里的常住居民吗? Are you a ___ resident here? long short temporary permanent 答案:D 您是这里的暂住居民吗? Are you a ___ resident here? long short temporary permanent 答案:C 请问您的住房是一手住房吗? Is your house ___ ? one-hand one-time first-hand first-time 答案:C 您能告诉我您购买的房子的详情吗? Can you tell me the ___ of the house your bought? place price time details 答案:D I have already paid my ___ and I am now trying to get a ___ to finance the purchase. salary, credit limit salary, mortgage loan down payment, credit limie down payment, mortgage loan 答案:D 您贷款打算贷多少? ___ do you want from the bank? How long loan How much loan What loan Which loan 答案:B What conditions do the borrower of the first-hand residential property need to meet? having permanent residency in the mainland China or valid residential permit having stable occupation and personal income, good credit standing with debt capacity having signed house purchasing contract having paid up the down payment no less than 20% of the total purchase price providing the valid guarantee accepted by the lender 1), 2) 1), 3), 4) 2) 3) 4) 5) All 答案:D The interest rate of the loan depends upon the ___. amount of the loan term of the loan mortgagee of the loan guarantee of the loan 答案:B According to the regulations issued by the PBOC, the ___ is 5.94% for more than five years. annual charge monthly charge annual interest rate monthly interest rate 答案:C We offer ___ with no more than thirty years and ___ no more than eight years. RMB loan, USD loan RMB loan, EUR loan RMB loan, JPY loan RMB loan, Foreign exchange loan 答案:D 您是否在公积金帐户上连续缴款超过半年? Have you been making ___ into this ___ for over six months? successive deposits, accumulation fund account related deposits, public fund successive deposits, public fund


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