口腔颌面外科学(中山大学)Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery.docVIP

口腔颌面外科学(中山大学)Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery.doc

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Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 07年 五年制 第一次 名解:口腔颌面外科,肿瘤标志物,干槽症,NBCCS(痣样基底细胞癌综合征),路德维希咽峡炎 简答:局麻并发症,切开排脓指征,血管瘤和脉管畸形的新分类,无瘤原则 问答:简述牙拔除术适应征,颈清的术式与应用,鉴别中央、边缘性颌骨骨髓炎 第二次 名解:computer aid surgery,舍格伦综合征,牙合面畸形,牵张成骨,核上性面瘫 简答 millard法跟tennison法的优缺点比较,多形性腺瘤的临床表现与治疗原则 颌面部创伤的诊治原则,面瘫的定位诊断 问答 TMD分类与治疗原则,序列治疗的内容 病例 车祸。口外可见左眼复视、颧面部塌陷。口内可见双侧后牙早接触、前牙反合、开合。诊断以及依据,治疗方案 Advantages of Surface anesthesia: minimize apprehension, manage injection discomfort, decreasing the need for injection Methods: 1. Surface anesthesia: Frozen anesthesia (Spray delivery ethyl chloride); Topical anesthesia (Dyclonine) 2. Infiltration anesthesia: Supraperiosteal infiltration, Periodontal membrane injection 3. Block anesthesia of maxillary nerve/posterior superior alveolar nerve/infraorbital nerve/anterior palatine nerve/nasopalatine nerve/mandibular nerve/inferior alveolar nerve/lingual nerve/buccal nerve/masseteric nerve/internal ramus prominence/mental and incisive nerves/cervical plexus Impacted tooth: It is the tooth obstructed by adjacent tooth or bones that can only partly erupt or never erupt. Dry socket: It is a complication of wound healing following extraction of a tooth. It appears as severe pain 2~3 days after exodontia resulting from alveolar osteitis. Diagnosis: 1. Severe pain for 2-3 days after exodontias with radiating pain 2. Analgesic drug cannot control the pain 3. Empty wound or with rotted blood clot Treatment principle:1. Complete debridement under block anesthesia; 2.Block environmental stimulation The treatment of oroantral communications The treatment should according to the size of communication. Small perforation(2mm)-- Treat as normal treatment after exodontia. Moderate perforation(2-6mm)-- Suture of gingival around wound and treat as normal treatment after exodontia. Large perforation(7mm)-- Flap fixation Tumor marker: It is a kind of chemical component (antibody, hormone, receptor, protein or gene) that commonly produced, secreted or released by tumor cells, clinical test of



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