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五年七年口影混合题! 5看片分析题:牙源性腺样瘤 5看片诊断:成牙骨质细胞瘤,慢性根尖周炎的慢性肉芽肿和脓肿 5看片诊断最后一个:可复性盘前移位+诊断依据 1,左下6根尖周囊肿,TMJ强直 2,左下颌骨多房性成釉细胞瘤 3,下颌多发性骨折(左侧髁突及颏突) 4,甲状舌管囊肿 5,上颌舌侧1|1间多生牙,要求说明定位依据 085上颌窦多发骨折, 成釉细胞瘤,骨纤维异常增殖症,可复性关节盘前移位,牙源性腺样瘤 其中第一、二个是CT片,最后一个要写诊断依据 075鳞癌伴病理性骨折;单房性成釉细胞瘤;粘液细胞瘤,多发性骨折,可复性前脱位 选择题: 1.右上78右上方一三角型高密度影 2.关于骨折正确的是A.显示下颌骨骨折只拍下颌骨侧位片即可B.CT不能显示骨折细节D.上颌骨骨折可合并上颌窦充血积液E以上均正确 3.关于MR检查错误的是A.关节盘成低信号影像B.可显示关节盘的前中后带C.髁突等密质骨呈低密度影像D 4.牙源性边缘性骨髓炎采用的X线检查方法 5.关于牙周炎错误的是 6.做牙周X线检查,下列不正确的是B.选择高质量的X线机悬挂于诊疗室内使用 7.下列描述不属于舍格伦综合征造影表现的是 8.关于放射性骨坏死错误的是B.死骨易分离 9.关于骨肉瘤的 10.根尖部一直径0.5cm的低密度影,密度均匀一致,考虑是 名解: 抱球征ball in hand appearance: Benign tumor of salivary glands, the ducts are compressed(被压扁的) or smoothly displaced around the lesion, appearing like a hand(ducts) holding a ball(the tumor). 浮牙征floating??teeth*4 The supportive structures(alveolar bone、periodontal ligament) of teeth is destroyed by the malignant tumor, in radiograph the teeth is locating in the alveolar bone without any supportive tissue under the teeth, looks like floating in the bone. 上下(腔?)穿通征*2 communication of superior and inferior space: When inject contrast medium into superior or inferior space, both of them filled with contrast medium with radiolucent image of disk between them. 平行投照技术, Film/tooth/ring all parallel,X-ray beam perpendicular(垂直于) to tooth and film 牙科X线数字影像技术digital radiograph: Including CR(计算机X线摄影) and DR(数字X线摄影). Composed of X-ray machine, image receptor, computer, monitor and printer. Its operating process is collecting images, restoration and screening, rapid real-time signal dealing and post-proposal. 点扩征punctate/globular dilatation Terminal ducts dilation appear as punctate collections of contrast agent, and distribute throughout the gland。 流空效应flowing void effect*2 In the case of rapid arterial flow, the protons(质子) leave the imaging volume between the two RF pulses, no signal is collected, and the arteries are displayed dark on the MR image. 牙颈部burnout征:cervical burnout Diffuse radiolucent areas with ill-defined


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