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Pub talk and the King’s English Henry Jones Fairlie (13 January 1924 London, England - 25 February 1990 Washington, D.C.) was a British political journalist and social critic. Sometimes mistakenly believed to have coined the term “The Establishment, an analysis of how all the right people came to run Britain largely through social connections, he spent 36 years as a prominent freelance writer on both sides of the Atlantic, appearing in The Spectator, The New Republic, The washington Post, The New Yorker, and many other papers and magazines. He was also the author of five books, most notably The Kennedy Promise, an early revisionist critique of the U.S. presidency of John F. Kennedy. In 2009, Yale University Press published Bite the Hand That Feeds You: Essays and Provocations (ISBN: 9780300123838), an anthology of his work edited by Newsweek correspondent Jeremy McCarter. Henry Fairlie’s books The Life of Politics, Methuen, 1969 The Kennedy Promise, Doubleday, 1973 The Spoiled Child of the Western World: The Miscarriage of the American Idea in Our Time, Doubleday, 1976. The Parties: Republicans and Democrats in This Century, St. Martins, 1978 The Seven Deadly Sins Today, New Republic Books, 1978 Bite the Hand That Feeds You: Essays and Provocations, edited by Jeremy McCarter, Yale University Press, 2009 皇家英语与普通型标准英语 谈到上层英语变体人们总是要把它与英国英语标准发音相联系。英国的标准英语发音是以受过良好教育的人说的英国南部英语的语音为基础,并在英国的私立中学得到发展,具有非地区性的特点。在上层英语变体中,皇室英语代表标准英语中的保守型变体。这种变体根据英国君主统治者的性别的变化而被称为 “King’s English”或 “Queen’s English”。言外之意就是要把“国王”或“女皇”的英语作为口头语或笔头语的标准模式加以模仿。这种以皇室成员的英语变体作为标准英语的做法可追溯到16世纪和17世纪。在James I统治时期, “the King’s English”这一术语首次被使用。 规定语法学家把 “King’s English” 和“Queen’s English”看成是“正确发音”,“正确语法”和“正确表达”的代名词。在Queen Victoria(维多利亚女皇)统治时期,Henry Alford (1869)把他的英语规定语法一书定名为 “女皇英语”。在Edward VII统治时期,F.G. Fowler (1906)出版了题为“国王英语”一书,该书于1931年George V统治时期进行了某些修订。在现任女皇伊丽莎白统治六年之后,A.R. Robertson 编著出版了 “Introduction to the Queen’s English”。1972年,英国还成立了“女皇英语协会”。 1993年,“国王英语”一书再次再版,足以显示这本书的魅力所在。 The Development


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