《Lesson 2 Festivals in China课件》初中英语新世纪版七年级上册课件20969.ppt

《Lesson 2 Festivals in China课件》初中英语新世纪版七年级上册课件20969.ppt

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《Lesson 2 Festivals in China课件》初中英语新世纪版七年级上册课件20969

L/O/G/O 7A Unit 2 Lesson 2 Festivals in China Shi Ruijuan Xinbeijiao Junior High School Let’s watch a video. Hey moon, I see you shining for all the people, And shining for me too. Moon, moon, moon Shining the night! Moon, moon, moon (So) beautiful and bright! Share(分享)your light, let’s celebrate tonight! Hey moon, hey moon, hey moon! Festivals in China 7A Unit 2 Lesson 2 festivals Double Ninth Festival Double Seventh Festival What Chinese festivals do you know? (七夕节) (重阳节) Dragon Boat Festival Spring Festival Mid-autumn Festival Qing Ming Festival Lantern Festival 4 3 2 1 5 八月 When is Mid- autumn Festival? 十五 It’s on August 15th of the Chinese lunar year. /5lU:nE/ 农历 Matching Dragon Boat Festival Spring festival Lantern Festival Qing Ming Festival April 4th / April 5th May 5th of the Chinese lunar year January 1st of the Chinese lunar year January 15th of the Chinese lunar year A: When is ______? B: It’s on ______. 1 Maze(迷宫):find the way out: example-- find the words about pets c a g d r a t c b t t d o o i r i g e b p m r a b in out Find the way out: find the words about Mid-autumn Festival e a g o n b o a t a d w n n t d r d a s o m o o n e p o e k a c v r m s q e x a k e e n j o y t h 2 in out eat rice dumplings sweep tombs set off firecrackers eat Qingtuan watch lantern displays carry lanterns decorate our rooms have a dragon boat race guess riddles, eat sweet dumplings A: What (else) do people usually do at ________ Festival? B: People usually ________ at _________. Listen and complete the table Festivals Date Celebrations Reason Qing Ming Festival ________ or ________ sweep tombs to remember the _______ Dragon Boat Festival ________ of the Chinese lunar year hold ______________________ and eat ____ dumplings to honour the great poet(诗人) Qu Yuan __________ festival August 15th of the Chinese lunar year families get together and eat _______ _________ ---- April 4th 3 5th dead May 5th dragon boat races Mid- autumn



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