中级阅读分册-第三项 阅读理解.doc

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中级阅读分册-第三项 阅读理解

阅读部分 Time:1 hour PART Main Skill Focus Input Response Number of Questions 1 Scanning and gist Four short information texts (approx. 250-350 words in total) matching 7 2 understanding text structure Single text: article, report, etc. with sentence level gaps (text plus 7 option sentences approx. 450-550 words in total) Matching 5 3 Reading for gist and specific information Single text (approx. 450-550 words) 4-option multiple choice 6 4 vocabulary and structure Single information text with lexical gaps (text including gapped words approx. 200-300 words) 4-option multiple choice 15 5 Understanding sentence structure / error identification Short text (approx. 150-200 words) identification of additional unnecessary words in text Proof reading 12 第三项:阅读理解 实用技巧: 采用快速阅读的方法。首先观察问题,然后迅速找到问题所在的文章。(一般问题中使用与文章相关部分相同的子句) 本项不会提问类似与四、六级考试细节问题,也就是说考生不可能一眼找到答案。所有问题均为理解和推理判断题。 基于以上两点,若发现选项中有文章中直接提到的表述,该选项为干扰项。 正确选项中的表述与相应文章中的表述必为同义表述,因此考生应带着这一目的努力发现同义成分。 本项的问题按照行文顺序提出,力求每段中都有问题。 Three steps you may follow in Reading Part Three: Read through the question. Locate the relevant part in the text. Pursue your own interpretation of the part and check it against the options. Exercise One Creative Teams and Management When Colgate launched its then revolutionary Colgate Gum Protection toothpaste in 1990, company executives were confident they had a hit on their hands. The toothpaste incorporated a groundbreaking antibacterial technology they thought was the biggest innovation since fluoride. But in the months after the toothpaste’s six-country rollout, the product’s market share reached a meager 1% - one fifth of the company’s projections. What went wrong? A new round of market research found that the original launch strategy muted the “breakthrough” message, the ads positioned the new toothpaste as a line extension instead of a revolutionary advance, and the public just didn’t buy the product’s broad claims. Up to this point, Colgate’s president, bill Shanahan, had attended only qua


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