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怒江州傈僳族传统体育发展现状与分析 摘 要 傈僳族是一个历史悠久的民族.也是云南独有民族之一。傈僳族的文化源远流长在漫长的历史长河中,以能歌善舞著称的傈僳族人民在长期的生产生活实践中形成了内容丰富形式多样的体育文化。主要有以提高狩猎技能、生活能力、军事斗争为目的的射弩、游泳、砍竹竿、投掷、武术等,和带宗教性质的爬刀杆、下火海,还有以茶余饭后休闲娱乐为主的秋千、顶杠、陀螺、扭扁担、拿石头、跳芦笙等。这些活动均产生于生产劳动,主要反映了傈僳族生产生活中的祭杷礼仪、农事操作、婚丧习俗等,它的很多项目不仅是生产劳动发展的主观反映更是傈僳族老一辈传授本民族体育文化的一本生动形象的教科书。 因此,本文在对傈僳族的传统体育文化进行挖掘、整理以及对其发展路径进行探析的基础上对分析其发展现状及其制约因素。并在此基础上提出相关的对策,对傈僳族传统体育走向科学化、现代化,以及弘扬民族传统体育、增进民族大团结具有深远意义。 关键字:传统文化 体育项目 傈僳族 Abstract Lisu is a long history of the nation.and it is also the unique nation of Yunnan . Lisu culture has a long history in the long river of history , to sing and dance known Lisu people living in long-term production practice in the formation of various forms of content-rich sports culture . Mainly to improve hunting skills , life skills, for the purpose of military struggle Shenu , swimming, cut bamboo , throwing, martial arts , etc., and with the religious nature of the climb Arbor, under fire, as well as to gossip, entertainment -oriented swing , top bars, gyro , twisted pole , take a stone , jump Lusheng and so on. These activities are generated in the production of labor , primarily reflecting the Lisu loquat production and life of sacrifice rituals , farming operations, such as weddings and customs , it is not only a subjective reflection of many projects of development of productive labor is to teach the older generation Lisu national sports culture a vivid textbook. Therefore , this article on traditional sports culture Lisu mining , sorting and Analysis on the basis of the analysis of the development status and constraints on its development path. And proposed on the basis of the relevant measures to Lisu traditional sports to scientific and modern , as well as to promote traditional sports, to promote national unity has far-reaching significance. Keywords : traditional cultural sports projects Lisu 目 录 1. 绪论 4 1.1.研究背景 4 1.2.研究目的与意义 4 1.3 研究方法 5 1.3.1文献资料法 5 1.3.2问卷调查法 5 1.3.3 访谈法 5 2. 怒江州傈僳族传统体育项目 5 2.1 傈僳族 5 2.2 傈僳族传统体育项


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