
人教新课标版高一必修3 Unit 4 Astronomy the science of the stars-Warming up and reading 课件[精品].ppt

人教新课标版高一必修3 Unit 4 Astronomy the science of the stars-Warming up and reading 课件[精品].ppt

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人教新课标版高一必修3 Unit 4 Astronomy the science of the stars-Warming up and reading 课件[精品]

* Unit 4 Astronomy: the science of the stars * THE SOLAR SYSTEM Can you name each planet correctly using the letters given in the table below? 地球 ______ 木星 ______ 火星 ______ 水星 ________ 海王星 _______ F. 冥王星 _______ G. 土星 ________ H. 天王星 _______ I. 金星 ________ Earth Jupiter Mars Mercury Neptune Pluto Saturn Uranus Venus * astronomy astronomers telescope * What subjects do you learn at school? Chinese English mathematics physics chemistry geography biology history politics * physics mathematics chemistry biology geography Science subjects * Warming up geophysics geology physics 地质学 astronomy physics mathematics 地球物理学 Some science subjects will study two or more of these subjects. * Common sense of science subjects Can you understand the following combined science subjects? biology+chemistry=biochemistry( ) /medicine( ) geopolitics (地缘政治学)=_________+_________ bioengineering(_____________) =_____________+_______________ 生物化学 医学 geology politics 生命工程学 biology engineering * Astronomy biochemistry geophysics medicine _________the scientific study of treatment of diseases and injuries. ___________ the study of the chemistry of living things. _________ the scientific study of the earth’s atmosphere, oceans and climate. _________ the scientific study of objects in space, such as planets, stars, comets and “black holes” Astronomy biochemistry geophysics medicine * 1.insects 2.plants 3.reptiles(爬行类) 4.shellfish(贝类) 6.amphibians(两栖类) 7.mammals(哺乳类) Study of the groups of life (生命的种类/物种) Look at the pictures and tell the groups . * 1.insects 2.plants 3.reptiles(爬行类) 4.shellfish(贝类) 6.amphibians(两栖类) 7.mammals(哺乳类) Study of the groups of life (生命的种类/物种) Look at the pictures and tell the groups . * 1.insects 2.plants 3.reptiles(爬行类) 4.shellfish(贝类) 6.amphibians(两栖类) 7.mammals(哺乳类) Study of the groups of life (生命的种类/物种) Look at the pictures and tell the groups . * 1.insects 2.plants


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