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全日制普通高中教科书 高一年级英语 13 22单元语言点及课文重点练习[精品]
UNit13 Healthy eating
If you dont get more exercise, youll get______(发胖)
She had no stomach for the meat.The film about eye operation turned my stomach.【have no stomach for sth··对··没胃口 turn sb .s stomach 让某人反感】
我应该写致谢信么?(用ought to的形式)
He gave me _________(大量)examples.
Our eating habits have changed,as has our way of life.=_________________________________
I think it important that we ____________(跟上)the times.
【翻译】我们必须做出选择(make a choice)_____________________________________
We had better learn to make the right choice about _____and _____we eat.
Organic vegetables are those ______are grown without chemicals_____can be ______to human beings or the environment.
Only in that way will we be ready for the challenges and opportunities in life.
Only + 介词短语 情态动词
状语从句 + 助词 + 主语
副词(adv) be/will
_________we choose nutritious food for our meals,we probably still need to reful________.
He put the knife in __________(沸腾的)water.
The boiling water 正在沸腾着的水
The boiled water 煮开过的水或凉开水
Choosing what to eat is no longer as easy as it once was. 【not``` any longer=no longer不再】 He no longer lives here.=___________________________________________
Mike_________(对···有益)our bones.【反义词___________=______________】
Vitamins, which can hlep our body __________(抵抗疾病)
Many people today make choices about their eating habits based on what they believe.
Eating habits ____________(成为···的一部分)who we are.
We should not kill animals _______food.
Because we have so much to ____________(从··选择).
If we spend our time and money in _______good food and ______________(保持饮食平衡)
If we eat healthy food in the right amounts,we do not have to buy any supplements.
The same ________(适用于)“crash diets that some companies say will make us lose weight fast.
_________eating expensive diet food or going on unhealthy diets.
We ought to learn more about our body and the fuel it needs to keep fit.【翻译________】
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