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* * * * * 中餐的礼仪 ????? * 正确地使用餐巾 ????? * 使用公筷母匙 ????? * 挟菜 ????? * 喝汤 ????? * 嘴内有食物,不要张口 * 与人交谈 ????? * 敬酒 ????? * 谈话 * 离座 * 西式自助餐的礼仪 ????? * 依序取菜 ????? * 一次最好取一至二样菜 ????? * 不要混用专用汤匙或菜夹 ????? * 餐盘不可再用 ????? * 不可浪费 ????? * 遵守西餐的礼仪 * 不可暴饮暴食 * 思考题 用西餐要注意哪些? * 商务礼仪测试 ①?? 路上相逢,寒喧“吃了没?” “上哪去?” ②?? 主人招呼客人“随便坐!” ③?? 政治与新闻是餐桌上的话题 ④?? 女士的小皮包可以放在餐桌上 ⑤?? 吃意大利面应该设刀叉并用 ⑥?? 聚会之中遇到同乡,可以用方 言交谈 ⑦?? 外出时不妨与当地的出租车司 机多攀谈 ⑧?? 别人称赞你的时候要谦虚地说: “你太过奖了,其实我哪里有那 么好。” 是 否 * 祝你成功! 女士:容貌+气质 .男士:风度+学识 Chinese except friendships to be more lasting. Different foundations for friendships. Westerns expect friends to be independent. Chinese usually expect more from their friends. * Chinese except friendships to be more lasting. For Chinese a true friendship endures throughout life changes. Chinese are friends even if they haven’t spoken for 20 years. If you shared something at one time, then all your life you are friends. This is the best of guanxi(关系), the Wide Web that connects Chinese through time and space. So, we can say Chinese invented the Internet long before Bill Gates was born. In North America, even the relationship in which people feel close and tell each other personal problems may not survive life changes such as moving to another city, graduation from a university or marriage. If the people do not see each other regularly, the relationship is likely to die. * Different foundations for friendships. Chinese friends share “ things in common”: a task, a class, the hometown. Friendships are formed by people who work or go to school together. You may or may not like the person, but if he or she can do something for you because of his position or job, you can be friends. But in North America, business and friendship are kept separate. The friendships are usually tied to specific activities. A person may have work friends and leisur


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