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摘 要 “连锁经营”是近10 多年来拉动餐饮业发展的最重要的发动机。排名前 10 位的餐饮品牌 无一例外地都是连锁企业,餐饮百强中的大部分企业也因采用连锁经营模式而日益“强大”。 餐饮连锁企业的快速发展取决于三个因素,一是正确的选址策略,二是系统的营运能力, 三是明确的品牌定位。连锁企业能否快速开店并占领市场是企业发展的关键,连锁企业如何进 行投资涉及到人口密度,经济发展,目标客户群,开发选址策略,财务分析模型,商业地产选 址等要素,如何在选址策略中有效评估和应用以上要素是投资成功的关键所在。 这篇论文正是基于以上要素而开展的关于”四海游龙”门店开发投资策略的全面研究,通 过研究可以完善门店选址策略,建立完整的财务投资模型,提高门店投资回报率,更好的进行 市场占位并提升品牌形象,在同行业竞争中领先。 第一章介绍了研究背景,目的和思路及其国内外的选址理论和方法;第二章介绍了企业背 景,发展困境,以及影响选址的因素,第三章分析了市场规划与商圈评估的方法及开店规划; 第四章介绍了选址策略的实施方法以及如何制定选址策略,以及选址模型的构建,第五章对选 址策略进行财务模型的验证分析,分析了已营业店铺并推算了开店财务预算。 关键词:选址规划,商圈评估,选址策略,选址模型,财务投资模型 I Abstract The chain is the most important engine of nearly 10 years to pull the food and beverage industry. The top 10 food and beverage brands, without exception, are chain enterprises, most enterprises in the food and beverage hundred in the growing chain business model of strong. The rapid development of the restaurant chain depends on three factors, one is the correct location strategy, the operational capabilities of the system, clear brand positioning. Whether fast Exhibition shop and occupied the market is the key to the development of enterprises chain, the chain how to invest it comes to population density, economic development, the target customer base, the development of the site strategy, financial analysis model, commercial real estate location and other factors, how in the site selection strategy, assessment and application of these elements is the key to investment success. This paper is based on the above elements to carry out a comprehensive study of the investment strategy developed on Overseasdragon stores, through research can perfect store location strategy, the establishment of a complete financial investment model, improve stores ROI, better market placeholder and enhance brand image ahead of the competition in the sam



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