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本科毕业论文 声光触摸控制楼道灯开关 目 录 绪论 1 1 方案的论证 1 1.1 方案一 1 1.2 方案二 1 2 电路的工作原理 2 2.1 声控原理 2 2.2 触摸控制原理 3 2.3 光控原理 4 3 电路板的焊接、调试及故障分析 5 3.1 焊接 5 3.1.1 印刷板的设计要求 5 3.1.2 印刷板的线路设计 6 3.1.3 印刷板的焊接设计 6 3.2 调试及故障分析 7 结论 8 参考文献 9 附录 10 致谢 11 声光触摸控制楼道灯开关 摘 要 声光触摸控制楼道灯开关,能自动控制白天开关、夜晚亮灯、人走灯灭。具有灵敏、低耗、性能稳定、使用寿命长、节能等特点。这里介绍声、光控制自动延时节能开关,综合了声、光和延时控制、工作稳定、节电并可延长灯泡寿命。在白天或光线较强的场合即使有较大的振动声响也能控制灯泡不亮;晚上或光线较暗时遇到声响、振动后灯自动点亮,经过约一分钟(时间可设定)自动可用于楼梯、厕所等公共场所楼道灯的自动管理。本文阐述了简单的声光触摸控制楼道灯开关的制作。选择声敏传感器、光敏传感器和磁敏传感器作为基本元件。光敏电阻,声控传感器和触摸传感器三种传感器形成了声控、光控和触摸三种控制的电路板。利用布局和布线规则完成了电路板的制作。实现了电子开关的三种控制,实验结果实现了灯的控制。 【关键词】传感器 声控 光控 触摸 节能 方便 Sound and light touch control corridor lights switch Abstract Sound and light touch control corridor lights switch for automatic switch during the day, night lighting, people take the light off. Sensitive, low consumption, stable performance, long life, energy saving and so on. Here are sound, light control automatically delay saving switch, combines sound, light and time delay control, job security, power saving and extended lamp life. Strong light during the day or the occasion even greater control of the vibration noise can not light bulbs; night or low light encounter sound, vibration, lights and automatic lights, after about one minute (time can be set) automatically can be used for stairs, toilets and other public places, the automatic management of the corridor lights. In this paper, a simple touch control of sound and light production of the corridor light switch. Select sound sensor, light sensors and magnetic sensors as a basic element. Photosensitive resistors, sensors and touch sensors voice of three sensors form a voice, light control and touch three control board. Using layout and routing rules of the circuit board production. To achieve the three control electronic switch, the experimental results achieved light control. 【Key Words】sensor voice optical control touch energy saving convenient 绪论 公共场所和居民居住区的公共楼道普遍使用机械手动开关,由于各种原因往往出现许多灯泡点亮长明的现象,故使灯泡寿命短,浪费电量,为国家


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