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实用资料基于vc 的串口数据采集系统设计[精品]
题 目:基于VC++的串口数据采集系统设计基于VC++的串口数据采集系统设计
摘 要
本文以采集结晶器振动信号为背景,在Windows平台下,利用VC++ 6.0提供的MSCOMM串行通信控件,对波特率?数据位?停止位?奇偶校验位等串口参数进行设置,完成串口对数据的接收和发送?通过RS-232C串行接口接收外部设备传递的实时的结晶器振动信号数据,对采集到的振动信号进行分析和研究,并绘制结晶器振动实时曲线,采用PID算法进行参数整定,利用MODBUS编写串口通信协议来控制结晶器的振动,完成对结晶器振动的实时监测?
关键词:VC++;串口通信;MSCOMM;PID算法The serial data acquisition system based on the VC++
With the development of modern information technology, as well as the extensive use of computer networks, the computer communication technology have become more mature, but serial communication as a convenient and reliable means of communication, is still an effective means of communication, and is widely used in industrial control.
This article with the vibration signals of mold collected as the background, in the Windows platform ,using the serial communication control of MSCOMM provided by the VC + + 6.0,with baud rate, data bits, stop bits, parity bit, such as serial port parameters to set to complete the serial port to receive and send data. Through the RS-232C serial interface to external equipment to receive real-time transmission of mold vibration signal data, the vibration signals collected for analysis and research, and real-time rendering mold vibration curve, tuning the use of PID algorithm parameter, using MODBUS serial communication protocol to control the mold vibration, to complete the mold of the real-time monitoring of vibration.
Key words: VC++;Serial Communication;MSCOMM;PID Algorithm
目 录摘 要 I
Abstract II
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究现状 2
1.3 研究意义 2
第二章 数据采集系统总体方案设计 4
2.1系统的设计要求 4
2.2系统的功能实现 4
第三章 系统软件设计 5
3.1 开发软件选择 5
3.2 串行通信系统 6
3.2.1 串行通信概念 6
3.2.2 串行通信的种类 7
3.2.3 串行通信的传输方向 9
3.2.4 串行通信接口 9
3.3 MSComm串行通讯设计 11
3.3.1添加MSComm控件 11
3.3.2在SDI中使用MSComm控件 12
3.3.3串口的初始化及打开串口 13
3.3.4 MSComm接收数据处理 15
3.4 通信协议设计 17
3.4.1 Modbus协议 17
3.4.2 Modbus协议的两种传输方式 18
3.4.3两种协议的检验方式 20
3.4.4 ModBus的功能码 23
3.5数据图形显示 25
3.5.1坐标轴的绘制 2
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