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Southwest university of science and technology 本科毕业设计(论文) 学 院: 年 级: 专 业: 电气工程及其自动化 姓 名: 学 号: 指导教师: 某水电站电气主接线系统设计 二〇一三年六月 某水电站电气主接线系统设计 摘要:该水电站以发电为主,兼顾拦沙、防洪等综合利用效益。水电站总装机容量约为 10 MV.A,为小型水电站。小型水电站的设计需要遵循国家相关设计标准,力求做到经济,安全,实用。本设计设计从原始资料入手,根据所给发电机的装机容量和相关参数,分析比较了电气主接线的的基本方式,确定35KV母线主接线方式,然后进行主变压器选择。通过短路电流的计算结果,选择了最终的电气设备,如断路器,隔离开关,电流互感器、电压互感器等,并进行了选型和校验,完成该水电站一次设备装置配置,最后论文对电站常用继电保护以及防雷保护做了基本阐述。 关键字:小型水电站;电气主接线;变压器;电气设备; The design of the main electrical system of the Hydropower Station Abstract: The main purpose of power balance of the hydropower station, and comprehensive utilization benefit of sediment, flood control. The total installed capacity of hydropower is about 10M.VA, for small hydropower station! Need to follow the design standard, economy, safety design of small hydropower station, utility! The design begins with primitive data, according to the installed capacity of generators, choice of the main electrical wiring basic way, determine the main wiring of main transformer selection, in the choice of main wiring and main transformer, calculation of short circuit current, after short-circuit current calculation, according to short-circuit current calculation the results of the final selection, electrical equipment, such as circuit breaker, isolating switch, current transformer, complete an equipment area, and finally to two protection calculation options! All selected electrical equipment to CAD, and mark out! Through this design can improve the design of hydropower station master, to raise awareness and understanding each part of hydropower station, the future study and life has a lot of help. Key words:Small hydropower station; the main electrical wiring; transformer; the electrical equipment 目录 第一章 概 述 1 前 言 1 1.1 设计目的 1 1.2 水电站定型 1 1.3 设计内容 2 第二章 电气主接线设计 3 2.1 电气主接线的基本要求 3 2.2水电站电气主接线基本形式 3 2.2.1电气主接线的特点 3 2.2.2 发电机电压侧接线 4 2.2.3 高压侧接线 5 2.2.4 原始资料 7 2.3 电气主接线方案的拟定与选择 8 第三章 主变压器的选择 12 3.1主变压器台数的选择 12 3.2主



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