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Antiviral immunity Paul Zhou Institut Pasteur of Shanghai Innate immunity against viruses Cells – immune cells and non-immune cells Receptors – TRL 3, 7, and 8 and C-type lectin receptors: MMR, DEC205, Langerin, BDCA-2, and DC-SIGN Cytokines and their mechanisms – Direct and indirect Regulations – Positive and negative Adaptive immunity against viruses Effector system Recognition molecule Mechanism of viral control Antibody Surface glycoproteins or Neutralization of virus outer capsid proteins Opsonization of virus particles Viral glycoproteins ACDC and ADC of virus infected cells expressed on membrane Downregulation of intracellular viral gene of infected cells expression CD4 T cells Viral peptides (15 mers) Viral peptide derived from any exogenous presented by MHC II proteins (surface, internal, or nonstructural) Release of antiviral cytokines (IFN-g, TNF) Activation/recruitment of macrophages. Help for antiviral antibody production Help for CD8 CTL responses Kill viral infected cells CD8 T cells Viral peptides (8 mers) Viral peptide which usually are derived presented by MHC I from endogenous viral proteins Cross priming for exogenous peptide Killing of virus-infected cells Release of antiviral cytokines (IFN-g, TNF) Activation/recruitment of macrophages Effector mechanisms of cell mediated immunity Immunopathology of viral infection Virus-induced immune complex disease Virus-antibody complex formation in fluid can be cleared through opsonization of Fc and/or complement receptors on macrophages or activated lymphocytes Or deposited onto renal glomeruli, arteries, and choroid plexus leading to glomerulonephritis, arteritis, and choroiditis Diagnosis of virus-induced immune complex disease is based on identification of presence of immune complex) viral antigen, host Ig, and complement in the pathological sites Virus-induced autoimmune disease Evidenc


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