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“...we may say that the goal of psychological study is the ascertaining of such data and laws that, given the stimulus, psychology can predict what the response will be; or, on the other hand, given the response, it can specify the nature of the effective stimulus.” Watson’s Theory of Learning The Frequency Principle (Watson’s primary principle) Responses gain in strength in accordance with their frequency of occurrence. The most frequent response becomes the strongest response. The Recency Principle (Watson’s seondary principle) The most recent response is strengthened more by its frequent occurrence than is an earlier response. Other Early American Behaviorists Edwin B. Holt (1873-1946)霍尔特 Albert P. Weiss (1879-1931)魏斯 Walter S, Hunter (1889-1954)亨特 Karl S. Lashley (1890-1958)拉什里 * This is how many of our emotional responses and likes/dislikes form, fears/phobias, sexual attraction * * * * * * * * * 1920: forced resignation from Johns Hopkins university Marriage deteriorated and led to divorce due to his infidelities Entered advertising field, where he tried to predict and control human behavior Addressed public thru magazines, spreading the cause Where he became even more of a celebrity * 9 * Chapter 8 Behaviorism Background of Behaviorism The definition of learning: a relatively permanent change in knowledge or behavior that results from experience. (behavior: any activity that can be either directly or indirectly observed) John Broadus Watson(1878-1958) DR. IVAN SECHENOV (1829-1905) DR. IVAN SECHENOV born in Russia, was known as the Father of Russian physiology. He introduced electrophysiology into laboratories and also into teaching. His life work was always concentrated on neurophysiology. He wrote a major classic The Reflexes of the Brain. He also maintained that physiochemical factors in the environment of the cell are of equal if not greater importance. He was in conflict constantly with the government and his colleagues. He will also be remembered for


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