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* 认知心理学教案第二章 这些实验结果说明,当视觉的总体特征(大字母)与听觉刺激相一致时,听觉辨别的速度加快;当视觉的总体特征不同于听觉刺激时,听觉辨别就会受到干涉,速度就变慢了;但是,听觉辨别的速度不受局部特征(小字母)的影响。 Navon因而认为,在一些情境中进行的视觉加工有着有限的深度,只有总体特征可被知觉,而局部特征则不被知觉。在上述实验里,大多数被试甚至未看出大的视觉刺激是由小的字母构成的。 The experimental results show that, when the general characteristics of visual (big letters) are consistent with the auditory stimuli, speed of auditory discrimination is interfered, and the speed is slower. However, when the general characteristics of visual differs from that of auditory stimuli, the speed of auditory discrimination is not affected by local characteristics (small letters). Navon therefore believes that when the situation has limited depth of visual processing, only the overall characteristics can be perceived, and local features is not perceived. In the experiment, most of the subjects did not even see the big visual stimulation is made up of small letters. 第二节 模式识别 Section II: Pattern Recognition 一、概述 (一)概念 模式(Pattern):若干元素或成分按一定的关系形成的某种刺激结构。 模式识别(Pattern Recognition):将刺激模式纳入记忆中的相应范畴,并对其加以命名的操作过程,是一个知觉加工的过程。 Overview, (a) concept Mode (Pattern) : a number of elements or components according to certain relations form a structure for some kind of stimulus pattern. Pattern Recognition: The stimulus patterns included in the memory of the corresponding category, and its operation to be named, is a process of perceptual processing. * 认知心理学教案第二章 * 认知心理学教案第二章 (一)模式识别的基本过程 I: The Basic process of Pattern Recognition * 认知心理学教案第二章 模式识别中的两种加工 Two kinds of Pattern Recognition 自下而上的加工 Bottom-Up processing 自上而下的加工 Top-Down processing 依赖于 刺激物的特性 例: 物体的, 颜色知, 觉依赖, 于光的 波长 Dependent on Stimulus Features Example: Color perception of the Object depends on the Wavelength of light 依赖于知觉 的主体 例:人的知, 识和经, 验会影, 响知觉, 的过程, 和结果 Depends on the perceptual organization Example: The process of the human Knowledge and Experience effects the Outcome of sound perception. 二、模式识别的理论 II: The Theory of Pattern Recognition 模式识别的早期理论:模板说、原型说、特征说 模式识别的近期理论:视觉计算理论、注意的特征整


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