中医保健养生healthcareontraditionalchinesemedicine 课件.ppt

中医保健养生healthcareontraditionalchinesemedicine 课件.ppt

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中医保健养生healthcareontraditionalchinesemedicine 课件

*;Dr Diarra Boubacar;TCM Anti-Aging;Process of growing old or maturing Inevitable process. Humans reach their peak in growth and development when they are in their mid 20s. The body gradually becomes less functional over time.;Face skin: the first wrinkle appears at the age of 19.5 in women, and it becomes dry, coarse and loose at the age of 35 in men Sexual organs: 25% men have erecting dysfunction at the age of 65; and vagina becomes wither and dry, vaginal wall lost elasticity and sexual intercourse pain appears ;;岐伯曰:女子七岁,肾气盛,齿更发长。 in a female,at the age of 7, the Qi of the kidney abounds. 五七,阳明脉衰,面始焦,发始堕。 with 5x7: the Yang Vessel weakens, the facial skin begins to dry out, the hair begins to fall off 六七,三阳脉衰于上,面皆焦,发始白。 with 6x7: the three Yang vessels weaken ( in the upper sections), the face is all parched, the hair begins to turn white 七七,任脉虚,太冲脉衰少,天癸竭,地道不通,故形坏而无子也。 with 7x7: the Ren vessel is depleted and the Tai Chong chanel is weak.Hence, the physical apearance start changing, older and ( a woman can) no longer have children ;male health;Geriatrics problems Chronical diseases Weakness, dysfunction and so....;Delay? Accelerate?;A physiological phenomenon that no one could violate.;has a long history in China Qin Dynasty: preliminarily formed a kind of health preservation theory featuring in Taoist and Confucianists in the Chunqiu ZhangGuo periods Huang Di Neijing (2000.AD)was a classic of internal medicine that laid the foundation for traditional Chinese medicine health preservation . From Qin and Han Dynasty to Jin and Tang Dynasty, the health preservation theory was improved gradually. ;Obedience with four season Harmony with nature Regulating emotion to a good state Diet Adequate exercises Avoiding Evils-Pathogenic factors TCM medication Acupuncture,Moxibustion,Massage and other TCM ways of treatment ;Regulating emotion to a good state;Five emotions Five Zang;A famous Chinese saying: “People regard food as their heaven”. In TCM theory, the sp


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