The Palace Museum------故宫的英文介绍 导游必备教学教案.ppt

The Palace Museum------故宫的英文介绍 导游必备教学教案.ppt

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The Palace Museum------故宫的英文介绍 导游必备教学教案.ppt

sacrificial shrine Shaman/Shamanism The rooms enshrined statues of Sakyamuni, the Goddess of Mercy, Lord Guan and other Mongolian gods. Wedding room Nuptial room: bride, groom Rising sun and waxing moon: 日升月恒 fertility:Mattress, quilt, carpets, 尚武风俗: knife Imperial Garden Pavilions, terrace, shrine, rocks, ball, plants. Plants (category, age) Pine and cypress:B100-300;A300-500 Couple tree (love story), jujube, bamboo, Peony, lotus, lily, chrysanthemum, winter jasmine. Shrine, temple, altar The Taoist deities: Compass:青龙、白虎、朱雀、玄武; Memory tablet of the emperor: 同治帝牌位 The lord of Guan Yu:护国神关羽牌位 pavilion Heaven is round and earth is square Mortise and Dove-tailing, blocks Five element theory The Bronze Turtles and Cranes Longevity Incense burners Sundial and standard measurement Spring Equinox 春分 Autumn Equinox 秋分 gnomons 指针 The ornaments at the corner of the tiles ①龙、②凤、③狮、④天马、⑤海马、⑥狻猊、⑦押鱼、⑧獬豸、⑨斗牛、⑩行什 Beautiful ornaments: dragon, phoenix, lion, horse, sea horse and so on. Big nails: to fix the tiles The symbol of rank: the more the number is, the higher the rank is. Yin and yang阴阳 While yin would be dark, passive, downward, cold, contracting, and weak, yang would be bright, active, upward, hot, expanding, and strong. 数字: 奇数odd-number 偶数even-number Door nails: nine by nine The structure Eleven bays wide and five bays deep: 九五之尊 72 pine pillars: 6 gold-leaf pillars55 rooms四柱一间法 Double eaves and slanted roof:重檐庑殿顶 The throne (dragon chair) throne Its high position signifies the emperors unchallenged supremacy. The design of the throne adopts the most luxurious style: it is coated in golden lacquer; the back is entwined with thirteen gold dragons; designs of flaming pearls, clouds, and scrolling grass are carved in relief on the rest of the throne. Gold foil covers the entire throne which is inlaid with rubies and sapphires. Hall of Supreme Harmony The furniture and ground Luduan: a legendary beast could travel 9000 kilo


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